MagitekMayhem: Hear the news?
Auto response from Thompson1189: i'm probly like,
staring at the screen but not really doing anything..
haha wtf
thats the way to be idle
MagitekMayhem: wtf man
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ur hott stuff
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: cool about the job, huh?
Thompson1189: ur hott d00d
MagitekMayhem: 8-)
Thompson1189: ok]
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: sheeit
MagitekMayhem: Nerdass
Thompson1189: what company was it again
MagitekMayhem: Gameloft?
MagitekMayhem: they make alot of ports of
console games it seems
MagitekMayhem: they made "Sexy Poker 2004" lol
Thompson1189: wtf? ne'er head em
MagitekMayhem: me either
Thompson1189: so you gunna be a pixel artist for
some sex game eh
MagitekMayhem: if they like me
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: Drawin boobs all day
Thompson1189: how did you show your talent
Thompson1189: didn't include a hardcopy?
Thompson1189: or did you email your resume
MagitekMayhem: I have some in hardcopy
MagitekMayhem: email
Thompson1189: ok
Thompson1189: thats rude as hell dude
MagitekMayhem: hm?
MagitekMayhem: like it
Thompson1189: (badass)
MagitekMayhem: I remember when you use to say
rude all the time
Thompson1189: yeah i think i will bring it back
Thompson1189: so i'm about to head off to a rude
party tonight, so ttyl nerd
MagitekMayhem: alright
Auto response from Thompson1189: i'm admiring
the beautiful weather of this season
MagitekMayhem: later
Thompson1189: dude i'm kind arudnt
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem: dude check this out
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
Thompson1189: dsue om g i atucaly drc
MagitekMayhem: Also Judas Priest rules
Thompson1189: corvette!!!
Thompson1189: 97
Thompson1189: lets cchat for like ten hours
MagitekMayhem: ok, lol
Thompson1189: sweet
MagitekMayhem: I need to work on some sprites
to bolster my portfolio
Thompson1189: what extra sprites have you
Thompson1189: excessive force??
MagitekMayhem: so far just the car
MagitekMayhem: nah I lost all those
Thompson1189: ooh the vette
Thompson1189: we are durnk'
Thompson1189: hahwha
MagitekMayhem: whos we? you got another
Thompson1189: frred and i
MagitekMayhem: Yo Fred
Thompson1189: fred is passin out cuase he's (sh'es
) a lightwaight
Thompson1189: omg i gotta take a wiz
Thompson1189: WIZ LOL
MagitekMayhem: ask her if Judas Priest rules
MagitekMayhem: lol, shuddap
Thompson1189: \she says i dunno
MagitekMayhem: damnit, lol
Thompson1189: bbq
MagitekMayhem: k
Thompson1189: this is keith's chick
MagitekMayhem: whatsoup
Thompson1189: & i'm quite drunk
Thompson1189: nm
Thompson1189: u?
MagitekMayhem: Listning to Judas Priest (who
rules) and working on sprites for my portfolio
Thompson1189: jp iq
Thompson1189: y2q jp i `
Thompson1189: ok i make snexe onow
MagitekMayhem: a little to the left
Thompson1189: thnx
MagitekMayhem: no prob
Thompson1189: h si ... so... lets chat some serious
Thompson1189: halonj eyring ';aoienty
Thompson1189: guess what
MagitekMayhem: what?
Thompson1189: angie is a hot piece of
Thompson1189: she got nude and made put siht a
Thompson1189: nujde dude nude dude
MagitekMayhem: she's a ninja?
Thompson1189: she try in to stay awake
Thompson1189: yeah shes hell yah a ndinjea\
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: \kkk//
Thompson1189: thats the divel horns budude
Thompson1189: \,,/
Thompson1189: where the fuckin m
Thompson1189: \],mmm
MagitekMayhem: M
Thompson1189: there
Thompson1189: were gunna be nalked in a few mins
Thompson1189: you should join us
MagitekMayhem: Nah I'm not gay like that
Thompson1189: hell yea
Thompson1189: plz\
MagitekMayhem: your gay as hell
Thompson1189: she cannot type for beans
Thompson1189: i'm gunn teach her a lesson
MagitekMayhem: I know it was all like
MagitekMayhem: spank er
Thompson1189: i'm gunna spank her
Thompson1189: er
Thompson1189: she gets excited bfry that idea
MagitekMayhem: chicks love it
Thompson1189: chicks love gthe disc
Thompson1189: ...
Thompson1189: a
MagitekMayhem: graw
Thompson1189: ok i'm back nerd
MagitekMayhem: lol I thought that was you
Thompson1189: yeah we are drunk
Thompson1189: whoa that was percet
Thompson1189: fedferct
Thompson1189: ERCETT
MagitekMayhem: ok, calm down there
Thompson1189: ok whew
Thompson1189: i'm trypin to type some sense into
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: sometimes its pervcect sometines
it sone mbat make any sense yankpow
MagitekMayhem: I got ya
Thompson1189: kj
Thompson1189: do i cinpsatr to m0-xfc ard']
Thompson1189: rephrase:L
Thompson1189: do i compare to m0rd
MagitekMayhem: m0rd out drunk types you
Thompson1189: thgat cuss hes a wuss em
MagitekMayhem: problah
Thompson1189: ok i'm alone now
MagitekMayhem: all alone?
Thompson1189: yeah she pased out
MagitekMayhem: and now you type good?
Thompson1189: yeah as best i can yo
Thompson1189: su[p ntdr
MagitekMayhem: still with the sprite stuff
Thompson1189: fred dotn eeven know her name is
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: jokes on her
Thompson1189: yeah.
Thompson1189: ok so whats up
MagitekMayhem: workin on these fuggin' sprites
Thompson1189: oh.. wanna dd
Thompson1189: c?
MagitekMayhem: do I wanna cd?
Thompson1189: DC
MagitekMayhem: I'll show you when I got
Thompson1189: ok hun
Thompson1189: ...
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: tje word is on th estreed
Thompson1189: i'm gunna make a <3
MagitekMayhem: ok, lol
Thompson1189: she is so gone LOL
Thompson1189: what should i do to her
MagitekMayhem: snowin?
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: lol, your perverted dude
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: we're supose to get 14 inches
Thompson1189: i'm have about 7 inches if yo know
wha ti mean haha hyou nerd
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: dude, men don't talk about
weiner size ok
MagitekMayhem: women takl about that
Thompson1189: good caus i dont awnna
Thompson1189: anywaz
MagitekMayhem: chu doin
Thompson1189: i leftr m0rd a mrssage
Thompson1189: he will find it charming i'a ams sure
MagitekMayhem: what'd ya say
Thompson1189: i ... somethin nonsenscial
MagitekMayhem: rad
Thompson1189: ahaha that me driving home
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: gotta go
MagitekMayhem: cuz sisters a bitch
MagitekMayhem: I'll see ya
Thompson1189: ok i'm gunna pass out
MagitekMayhem: have a good one
Thompson1189: YEAP
Thompson1189: OMG YO
Thompson1189: BYE
MagitekMayhem: later
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.