MagitekMayhem: YARR
MagitekMayhem: whatsoup
Thompson1189: been workin, thats what
Thompson1189: since noon
MagitekMayhem: on school or KR?
Thompson1189: kr
MagitekMayhem: well ya started without me, but that's
ok ;-)
Thompson1189: and blarin dance of death
MagitekMayhem: yesterday I had that sheeit in my
head all day
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: koo
MagitekMayhem: so chu workin on
Thompson1189: the final boss fight
MagitekMayhem: OmgZ
MagitekMayhem: (I wish that was a real word)
Thompson1189: hm, so i gotta q
MagitekMayhem: fuckin water froze
MagitekMayhem: sure
Thompson1189: whats the ff6 spelling of "uweeheehahe"
MagitekMayhem: Uweeheehee
MagitekMayhem: or hehe
Thompson1189: thought so
MagitekMayhem: lemme look in the Kefka Qoutes doc
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: My sweet little magic
user! Uweee, he, he! With this Slave Crown I'll
practically OWN you!!
Thompson1189: single e's huh
MagitekMayhem: we also have
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: Then
welcome to my barbecue!!
Uwa ha ha ha!
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: k so it doesn't really matter
MagitekMayhem: another Uwa ha ha
Thompson1189: i think this occasion we stick to the
MagitekMayhem: Uwee he he is scheeming and uwa ha
ha is evil
MagitekMayhem: I think
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: WELCOM TO MY BBQ
Thompson1189: nah, Uweehehe is delight, and Uwahaha
is evil
MagitekMayhem: oh we got this too
MagitekMayhem: Hee, hee, haw!
Thompson1189: that one sucks
MagitekMayhem: I know
MagitekMayhem: lol
KEFKA: G'hee, hee, hee!
MagitekMayhem: I like that one
Thompson1189: hahah
Thompson1189: yeah
KEFKA: Hee, hee, hee!!
MagitekMayhem: that one is very strait forward
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: Hee, hee! also
Thompson1189: as i said, i'm sticking to the one i made
MagitekMayhem: I know I just want to look at 'em all
Thompson1189: sweet
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: Unh? Silence!
MagitekMayhem: Unh
MagitekMayhem: I love it
Thompson1189: reminds me of tim allen
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: check out this laugh laden sentence
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: Hee, hee!
Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices
screaming in unison!
Uwa, ha, ha!
MagitekMayhem: one more and I'm done
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA: Oho!!
Thompson1189: that one rules
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so Unh and Oho are to be used in the
MagitekMayhem: Also, Ackk, and Grr
Thompson1189: we used Grr
MagitekMayhem: we can use it more
Thompson1189: i konw
MagitekMayhem: also, BBQ
Thompson1189: good, quit distracti me
MagitekMayhem: lol, ok
MagitekMayhem: Imma KR too
Thompson1189: damn this is hard to choreograph
MagitekMayhem: whats goin on
Thompson1189: buncha panzies
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: bbq
MagitekMayhem: k
Thompson1189: haha, i like how theres an astronomy
book laying open in front of the toilet. i learned
something interesting about pulsars
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: what
Thompson1189: how they were discovered
Thompson1189: some dumb astronomer bitch was
observing radio signals from outer space, and she found
a regular pulse signal.. everyone was like wtf, it must be
intelligent life or some shit, so the called it LGM - little
green men. but then they found other pulsars and so they
scrapped that name
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: crazy
MagitekMayhem: I got the Albrook guard poster back
MagitekMayhem: now I gotta remake the MCM one
Thompson1189: haha, the dude guys on the right side
during k's split are named OLDSO AND RICHO
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: so what exact part are you working on
Thompson1189: 46.7 minutes into the game
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: the fleeing?
Thompson1189: kind of
MagitekMayhem: McPoster is done
Thompson1189: YOURE a mcposter
Thompson1189: i mean, McPOSER
Thompson1189: dude remember when poser was the big
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: when you come back, have a new profile
made for me
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: where am I going?
Thompson1189: not about me, just do it to makem e
Thompson1189: just sayin, dont let me see you with that
crap any longer
MagitekMayhem: well I have to have the Michelle part
or else she freaks out
Thompson1189: i dont care bout that part
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: i'm thinkin about finding a chick name
michelle.. just to make it confusing
MagitekMayhem: Waste my fuggin time *grumble*
MagitekMayhem: LOL
Thompson1189: my michelle is hotter?!
Thompson1189: ??
Thompson1189: ..
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: bbq eating time
MagitekMayhem: k
MagitekMayhem: new profile
Auto response from Thompson1189: uweeheehe!
MagitekMayhem: graw, my sisters a bitch, well I
finished everything lost in the Albrook Curruption
Auto response from Thompson1189: uweeheehe!
Thompson1189: tell your brother he messed with the
WRONG GUY. i'm going to BEAT his ASS!
Auto response from MagitekMayhem: Sister is on the
computer. (Right in the middle of a really good KR session to,
that beotch.) I love you, Chelle.
Thompson1189: grruuu
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: bout time, i finished chap2
MagitekMayhem: OMG AWESOME
MagitekMayhem: so listen
Thompson1189: (listens to maiden)
MagitekMayhem: since my dad's a jackass
MagitekMayhem: my internet might get shut off again,
I'm thinkin I have to move to my grandmas maybe
Thompson1189: shiiiiii eeeit
MagitekMayhem: and go dialup
MagitekMayhem: I don't care bout that though
MagitekMayhem: as long as I have something
Thompson1189: hm
Thompson1189: where is that
Thompson1189: over the hills and through the woods?
MagitekMayhem: not far away at all
Thompson1189: upstairs?
MagitekMayhem: like 2 miles
Thompson1189: sweet
MagitekMayhem: but the thing is
Thompson1189: SHES EVIL
MagitekMayhem: that house is worse then an insane
MagitekMayhem: yes
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ha
Thompson1189: why
MagitekMayhem: Because everyone has mental problems
Thompson1189: hah
MagitekMayhem: and everyone over eats, lol\
Thompson1189: come live in my dorm you bastard, we
have an opening
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: if i had a reliable car i'd come get your
MagitekMayhem: yeah but I dont have any money at all
er anythin' ya know
Thompson1189: i know
Thompson1189: i was thinkin bout that
Thompson1189: you could be Ann Frank Crawford
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I'd just switch to dialup
MagitekMayhem: but no fuckin phone here
MagitekMayhem: or heat or legal electricity
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: shet
Thompson1189: need that job dontya
Thompson1189: live on yer own
Thompson1189: (ahh this guitar solo is melting me.!!0)
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: I have no problem going to my
MagitekMayhem: but she's nuts about money
MagitekMayhem: like if I play games she'll be
demanding the cash for the bill
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: or whatever I do
Thompson1189: is she a nice old lady, or a hardcore
disciplined one
MagitekMayhem: hardcore disciplined insanely religious
and never finished grammer school
MagitekMayhem: stubborn
MagitekMayhem: generally nasty
Thompson1189: ..bitch
MagitekMayhem: short, looks like george washington
Thompson1189: my grandma rules, you should live with
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: and my grandpa is the craziest bastard
ever lol
Thompson1189: so awesome
MagitekMayhem: lol, sweet
MagitekMayhem: KR any while I was gone?
Thompson1189: bring chelle too
Thompson1189: oh, yeah i figured most of it out
MagitekMayhem: wanna gimme dem scripts?
Thompson1189: nah.
Thompson1189: i deleted everything
MagitekMayhem: Needed space for more viruses?
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: what does the taddle dude say when he
runs out of the factory?
MagitekMayhem: I will take you down with magic!
MagitekMayhem: or something
MagitekMayhem: or, with the power of this magicle
Thompson1189: behold the power!
MagitekMayhem: fragment
MagitekMayhem: stone
Thompson1189: ..
MagitekMayhem: BEHOLD! lol
Thompson1189: what about a catapult?
MagitekMayhem: ...
Thompson1189: ...
MagitekMayhem: A Catapult?
Thompson1189: why not hurl it into mordor. OVER
saruons forces
Thompson1189: thats retarded
MagitekMayhem: I don't see you coming up with any
plans for this ring or this stupid fellowship!
MagitekMayhem: Boromir, shut up.
Thompson1189: fine i still think its a good idea
MagitekMayhem: lol, sweet
Thompson1189: ok time to watch it
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
MagitekMayhem: that'd make a great sig
Thompson1189: too huge
MagitekMayhem: yeah it needs a shrink
Thompson1189: i like how sincere his face is when he
says thats retarded
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: big eyes
Thompson1189: like he feels sorry for him
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: man. the day that gets old... i quit kr
MagitekMayhem: lolo
MagitekMayhem: So how far did you get?
Thompson1189: you'll see soon
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
MagitekMayhem: thats all I need?
Thompson1189: probly should have tested it
Thompson1189: but go
MagitekMayhem: the more I hear the kazoo the more I
like it
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: dude
MagitekMayhem: awesome dialogue
Thompson1189: :-D
MagitekMayhem: Hold it, Time To (something)
MagitekMayhem: I always pictured thatguy
MagitekMayhem: like a wannabe hero
MagitekMayhem: ya know
Thompson1189: yeah he is
Thompson1189: just refer to him as 'taddle'
MagitekMayhem: so whats some corny wannabe heroman
Thompson1189: like the choreography?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: the slow walk seems a little weird
MagitekMayhem: but it's funny
MagitekMayhem: it's like he's walking slow on purpuse
Thompson1189: yep
MagitekMayhem: but I think instead of walking slow
like that
MagitekMayhem: maybe it should be normal
MagitekMayhem: and then he takes a step, stops, step,
Thompson1189: if i could go back and change it though,
i'd make the other dude try to be the hero, while taddle
just wusses out completely
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i tried doing the steps.. didn't look good
MagitekMayhem: alright
MagitekMayhem: let's stick with slow walk for now
Thompson1189: ..foreer
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: forever maybe
Thompson1189: ...definitely
MagitekMayhem: Time to..
MagitekMayhem: Show you
Thompson1189: that scene is going to be a huge bitch if
we need to change it
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: hm
MagitekMayhem: Time to show you the power of a
magic shard
Thompson1189: i was thinkin somethin like
Thompson1189: time to end your wild charade
Thompson1189: behold the power!
MagitekMayhem: I think thats past his vocab, lol
MagitekMayhem: but I lov eit
MagitekMayhem: it'd be funny
Thompson1189: just an example, i ain tusin that
Thompson1189: using
MagitekMayhem: if at first he tried to use it (before
the fight) and made a small exposion and he went flying
back a few tiles
Thompson1189: why
MagitekMayhem: I duno, lol
MagitekMayhem: alright
MagitekMayhem: so what hapens
MagitekMayhem: they get right into a fight?
Thompson1189: yeah he tries battling you
MagitekMayhem: I need to make a buncha new dirs for
that guy then
Thompson1189: yeah a 'behold' dir, with a shiney shine
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: and a cast dir, a battle dir
Thompson1189: if he ever uses it
Thompson1189: before you cream him
MagitekMayhem: he should use it once
MagitekMayhem: K picks it up
MagitekMayhem: goes crazy bolting villagers
MagitekMayhem: (we need more somwhere)
MagitekMayhem: North of K
MagitekMayhem: cuz I want a bunch running into the B
dist, as he destroys them all
MagitekMayhem: maybe he hits a house and a family
comes running out (the one with RON in it)
Thompson1189: bbq
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: ok
Thompson1189: its bolt?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: damn, i always thought of fire
MagitekMayhem: it could be fire too, but I don't think
fire would work great on the map
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: wanna try fire
MagitekMayhem: ?
Thompson1189: doesn't matter
Thompson1189: firebolt?
MagitekMayhem: justabolt
Thompson1189: okboltnofire
MagitekMayhem: I wrote a doc on how to use the bolt
animation in battle
Thompson1189: since when do you know more about
battle than i do
MagitekMayhem: compcliated animations!
MagitekMayhem: Now for BOLT you'll notice this one
has two dirs. now let me explain how animations work in
FF6, they are all 64x64. now since the screen takes up
more space then that (especially if the target is toward
the bottom of the screen, sometimes the effects of the
animation need to be stacked to make it look like it
extends to the top of the screen. Such is the case here
with bolt. The bottom left corner should hit dead center
on the target. play the animation once, but you need to
position multilple ones, so there would be a bolt ontop of
bolt, and the top right corner of the bottom one and the
bottom left corner of the other would be touching. get
MagitekMayhem: I don't get it
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: maybe I was a bit confused
MagitekMayhem: here's how it works
MagitekMayhem: ignore the part about putting bolt
ontop of bolt
MagitekMayhem: oh wait I see what I was saying, yeah
I was right
MagitekMayhem: stack bolt up to the top of the screen
MagitekMayhem: corner to corner
MagitekMayhem: if it hits a target play the aftershock
dir over the target
Thompson1189: zz
MagitekMayhem: Kegfarms: there is no URL because i
uploaded it from my computer
MagitekMayhem: WHOO, he's insane
MagitekMayhem: hm I dunno
MagitekMayhem: maybe we should go with fire
MagitekMayhem: Fire is just one animation
MagitekMayhem: try fire
Thompson1189: i'd rather do the more complicated one
first so that the function handles it.. not having to go
back later and modify it for complication, yan KOW
Thompson1189: wait a minute, i never said i was workin
on battle stuff yet
MagitekMayhem: I know
Thompson1189: you fukkin tricked me
Thompson1189: DIE
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: remember our plan
MagitekMayhem: yeah I remember
MagitekMayhem: but I was saying
Thompson1189: just finish the split with generic battles
MagitekMayhem: use the same animation for battle/not
MagitekMayhem: because it hapens on the map
MagitekMayhem: like in a scene
Thompson1189: why wouldn't i
MagitekMayhem: dunno
Thompson1189: we were discussing our favorite word at
lunch.. and mine was SLAYER
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so.. Villager: Hold it! Time to...
MagitekMayhem: stop you in your tracks
MagitekMayhem: You said a good one before
MagitekMayhem: I forget it
Thompson1189: the charadE? i dont liek that
MagitekMayhem: (Behold is ready)
MagitekMayhem: Time to SHUT YOUR MOUTH
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: time to GET DIRTY
MagitekMayhem: time to die
MagitekMayhem: time to eat lightning, you killer clown
Thompson1189: nnn
Thompson1189: time for some old school ICED EARTH
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrook.rmp.
MagitekMayhem: Albrook is for safe keeping
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: these aint workin
Thompson1189: aren't overwriting
Thompson1189: resend
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrook.rmp.
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189: now its giving me SHIT
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrook.rmp.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: ah ha
Thompson1189: excellent snake
Thompson1189: hmm
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: behold needs to SHIMMER AND
Thompson1189: huge glare, y aknow
Thompson1189: as an animation
MagitekMayhem: I have a suggestion for that
Thompson1189: ooh
MagitekMayhem: you know the save point sprite?
Thompson1189: yeah
MagitekMayhem: shine that over it
Thompson1189: sweet
MagitekMayhem: might be perfect
Thompson1189: its all greenish though
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Save.rss.
MagitekMayhem: your really behind
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: didn't change
Thompson1189: THRASH METAL
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Save.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: chage?
MagitekMayhem: change
Thompson1189: haha its red now
Thompson1189: ..thats nuts
Thompson1189: yeah it might
Thompson1189: work
MagitekMayhem: if the whole think is to much
MagitekMayhem: just use the first 5 frames
Thompson1189: yeeuh
Thompson1189: we just have to decide the dialogue now
MagitekMayhem: Behold THE POWER
Thompson1189: time to end your madness!
MagitekMayhem: Behold, your destruction!
MagitekMayhem: Behold, A magic shard, this will end
your terror!
Thompson1189: psh, let me handle this
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: this is so fuckin metal
MagitekMayhem: what
Thompson1189: iced earth, first album
MagitekMayhem: theres one song on that (I think it's
on that) I really like
MagitekMayhem: Crimson something I think
Thompson1189: no idea
MagitekMayhem: what songs are on it?
Thompson1189: hell if i know, i burned the cd
MagitekMayhem: ah
Thompson1189: i'm not too impressed with his behold
stance, could you make it more like the pointagain dir
MagitekMayhem: bulging eyes?
Thompson1189: spread legs
MagitekMayhem: no prob
Thompson1189: yeah the save pt gleam is awesome
Thompson1189: i think after the battle starts he should
be like, How do I use this???
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: thats what I was talking about before
MagitekMayhem: and he harms himself at first maybe
MagitekMayhem: or completly misses
Thompson1189: uses bolt on himself? lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: and then K is like... hm! pretty
Thompson1189: make him do a silly dance thing
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: quite better
MagitekMayhem: pizza time
Thompson1189: grr
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: frozen though
Thompson1189: frozen rules
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: you there?
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: how should k comment on the hero
Thompson1189: i wanna say "very cute" type of thing
MagitekMayhem: more smartassy I think
Thompson1189: like how
Thompson1189: charming?
MagitekMayhem: charming is better then very cute
Thompson1189: i know
Thompson1189: dainty
Thompson1189: darling, haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: dear, delectable
Thompson1189: pleasing?
MagitekMayhem: disgusting
Thompson1189: which reminds me, do you think insects
was a good word to use, or could there be somethin
better to sya
Thompson1189: dammit pizza face
MagitekMayhem: I loved insects
Thompson1189: on your pizza?
MagitekMayhem: crunchy and healthy
Thompson1189: cool
MagitekMayhem: insects is why I complimented you on
the dialogue, very Kefka
Thompson1189: i just think its a little cliche
MagitekMayhem: nah
MagitekMayhem: just lets not make him say insects
Thompson1189: how about the word at hand
Thompson1189: so far he says
Thompson1189: What's this? A valiant hero attempt?
How (blank).
MagitekMayhem: disgusting
MagitekMayhem: pethetic
MagitekMayhem: revolting
MagitekMayhem: nausiating
Thompson1189: can we use a positive and negative
Thompson1189: like, How charming. I'm disgusted
MagitekMayhem: thats how he talks
MagitekMayhem: yea
MagitekMayhem: How heroic, I'm gonna hurl
Thompson1189: charming or what
Thompson1189: cant use herioc you dolt
MagitekMayhem: I think brave works
Thompson1189: no
MagitekMayhem: oh because it's valiant
MagitekMayhem: you and your english rules
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: how PATHETIC
MagitekMayhem: I'm gonna puke all over the place
Thompson1189: he can say that afterward
MagitekMayhem: remember when you kept saying I'm
gonna puke?
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol!!
Thompson1189: that was like 20 years ago
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: That's precious. I'm disgusted.
MagitekMayhem: I like it
Thompson1189: hmmm still hard to decide
MagitekMayhem: I remember in 7th grade
MagitekMayhem: some philipino kid always use to say
MagitekMayhem: "Don't get smacked!"
Thompson1189: yeah i remember
MagitekMayhem: like inplace of an insult
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: but it was funny
MagitekMayhem: cuz he had like a squeey nazaly voice
MagitekMayhem: with an accent
MagitekMayhem: Don't get smack, maaaaaaaan
Thompson1189: whateva. i'm gunna shower and then
decide that word. (BBQ SHOWER)
MagitekMayhem: Welcome to my BBQ
Thompson1189: feels like i'm the only one on this fuckin
flooor. why's everybody gotta keep their doors closed
Thompson1189: at least i'm still metal though
Thompson1189: ok bbq
MagitekMayhem: alright, later man
Thompson1189: in like 10 mins
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: dude i'm gunna watch PI with kenny
Thompson1189: haven't seen it in like a frickin year
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: so.. talk to you in an hour or so
MagitekMayhem: alright, I'll be 'ere
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.
Thompson1189: SNACKTIME
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: got me a hot pocket, ready to scarf
MagitekMayhem: go for it
Thompson1189: mmm
Thompson1189: choodoin
MagitekMayhem: Maidening and Freezing
Thompson1189: iced earth
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: remember like four months ago when i
said that someday i'm gunna take down TWO hotpockets
MagitekMayhem: wtf you can't?
Thompson1189: wtf you hell yeah i can
Thompson1189: i was about tosay
Thompson1189: i'm gunna make it THREE
MagitekMayhem: I've done 2.5
Thompson1189: the only thing is, i dont wanna waste my
Thompson1189: gotta ration it
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ANGEL OF DEATH
Thompson1189: i just blared the fuck out of slayer lol
Thompson1189: choodoin
MagitekMayhem: yakkin it up
Thompson1189: yeah sure
MagitekMayhem: ready for more kr?
Thompson1189: no!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: snack attack
Thompson1189: good idea
Thompson1189: mm grawnola bar
Thompson1189: ok
Thompson1189: now what
MagitekMayhem: K's split
MagitekMayhem: BAM
MagitekMayhem: no?
Thompson1189: hm?
Thompson1189: i'm boardin around
MagitekMayhem: BAM
Thompson1189: ok kr
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
Thompson1189: dc
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.

MagitekMayhem: is there a prob?
Thompson1189: nah, just think thats a cool shot
MagitekMayhem: are those guys runnin about down
there? (it is)
Thompson1189: yeah theyre being panzy asses
Thompson1189: i'm thinkin theyre gunna get BOLTED
after this next 'fight'
MagitekMayhem: hell yeah
MagitekMayhem: one at a time though
MagitekMayhem: one gets bolted
MagitekMayhem: the other one heads for the bridge
MagitekMayhem: but he gets bolted dead in his tracks
Thompson1189: yeap
Thompson1189: so what should happen for this battle,
should the jump into place as usual
Thompson1189: or should the dude try and use it on him,
accidently hit himself... etc
Thompson1189: we could do the whole thing without RTB
MagitekMayhem: hm
MagitekMayhem: can it hapen during battle?
MagitekMayhem: should I make a CHARRED dir?
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: YES
MagitekMayhem: I'll get on that
Thompson1189: make sure the eyes are still white
MagitekMayhem: yeah I know
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: what direction
MagitekMayhem: sideways or south
Thompson1189: south, then on the ground
Thompson1189: make a zapped dir too,
MagitekMayhem: ok
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so whattaya say, rtb or no
MagitekMayhem: I say rtb
MagitekMayhem: and the dude just stands there fried
MagitekMayhem: and falls over when you attack 'em
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: thats all nice and fancy, but i aint gunna
do battle junk yet
MagitekMayhem: thats ok
MagitekMayhem: the bolt is automatic
MagitekMayhem: atleast for now
MagitekMayhem: cuz you know, he does it
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hmm i guess i can do that, temporarily
Thompson1189: wtf,.. those panzy asses just run in
circles forEVER, lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so, we go to rtb. then should you be able
to fight around first or does he automatically zap himself
MagitekMayhem: zaps himself right away
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: then make it so one hit takes 'em
MagitekMayhem: but maybe later
MagitekMayhem: it has to be a hit with bolt
MagitekMayhem: because kefkas bare fists are
uneffective against burnt skin
Thompson1189: ..thats so lame.
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: but its pretty cool how you knock him
over, lol
Thompson1189: not sure how to make enemies not
attack you
MagitekMayhem: 0 speed?
Thompson1189: let me look at the math
Thompson1189: yes, that should work
Thompson1189: thankee
Thompson1189: or i could set their status as busy the
whole time
Thompson1189: actually i think zero speed just makes
them not have any delay between attacks, haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: get yer ass kicked no matter who it was
Thompson1189: i gotta try that sometime
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: (theyre still running in circles)
Thompson1189: they cant be that close together while
fighting, and i cant really make him jump back cause
those dudes are right there, and i aint moving them
because it was a pain in the arse to get them perfect. so i
gotta move only K but that will look dumb and sissy
MagitekMayhem: hmm
Thompson1189: any bright solutions?
MagitekMayhem: no
Thompson1189: why not, what am i paying you for!
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ew, i'm getting a hairy chest
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: nerd needs nair
Thompson1189: need to start waxing it
Thompson1189: :-*
Thompson1189: its amazing how i've been working on
this all day and only gotten like another 30 seconds of
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: laughin at me!?
MagitekMayhem: no but thats rediculous
MagitekMayhem: whats so bad about this part?
Thompson1189: dunno its just crazy
MagitekMayhem: whacha workin on now
Thompson1189: rtb leap
MagitekMayhem: you gotta do each one of those
Thompson1189: heh, that was pretty cool
MagitekMayhem: hm?
MagitekMayhem: charred and zapped dirs will b arriving
in a bit
Thompson1189: yay
Thompson1189: almost ready for em
Thompson1189: so about this bolt anim,
MagitekMayhem: right
Thompson1189: if i stack them they wont line up
MagitekMayhem: corner to corner
Thompson1189: i know
Thompson1189: but the upper right corner moves
Thompson1189: and the bottom left does not
Thompson1189: so they wont connect
MagitekMayhem: they fuggin connect cuz thats how
they did it in FF6, the connect somehow
Thompson1189: i can move the top one over as the frame
Thompson1189: but it might look like the bolt is coming
from different sources as the frames change
MagitekMayhem: yeah I see
MagitekMayhem: you need to gradually move the top
one over
MagitekMayhem: may as well see how it looks right?
Thompson1189: 
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: I know I figured it out, lol
Thompson1189: i love that
Thompson1189: you sure theyre in the right order?
MagitekMayhem: yup
Thompson1189: it jumps from the corner to the middle
Thompson1189: oohhh i get it
Thompson1189: i remember seeing it, its like two diff
MagitekMayhem: hell I'm just confused
Thompson1189: three frames at 45 degree angle, three
frames at about 70 degree angle
Thompson1189: toasts 'em good
Thompson1189: hey what should we name this dude for
the battle
MagitekMayhem: Fred
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: Villager seems kinda cheap
Thompson1189: freds
MagitekMayhem: Fred Fries
Thompson1189: freds
MagitekMayhem: Jackson
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: Chauncy
MagitekMayhem: lol!
MagitekMayhem: Chauncy rocks
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: dunno where that came from
MagitekMayhem: he's a total Chauncy
Thompson1189: i dunno though, the only chauncy i know
is frickin sweet
Thompson1189: not a wuss bitch
Thompson1189: wouldn't feel right
MagitekMayhem: Francis
Thompson1189: too generic
MagitekMayhem: Willy
Thompson1189: hah, no
Thompson1189: wanna use chauncy?
MagitekMayhem: yep
Thompson1189: whats the full version of it,, if that isn't it
MagitekMayhem: I thought that was it
MagitekMayhem: never knew a person with that name
Thompson1189: hmm
MagitekMayhem: Albert?
Thompson1189: pft
Thompson1189: dude i saw somewhere the name
OLOF... spelled like that
MagitekMayhem: I think thats said diff
Thompson1189: whateva
Thompson1189: He's Chauncy, the other guy can be
MagitekMayhem: what other guy
Thompson1189: his friend, but we wont see his name
Thompson1189: never says anything, haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: on the zapped dir now
MagitekMayhem: the other ones are done
MagitekMayhem: skeleton style?
Thompson1189: this is worse than the prechase
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha, skeleton huh.. maybe
MagitekMayhem: well I got the normal way
Thompson1189: sure go for it
MagitekMayhem: so Imma do the same pose in the
skeleton way
MagitekMayhem: the skeleton wouldnt show thru clothes
would it?
Thompson1189: street fighter style
MagitekMayhem: whole thing then?
Thompson1189: hah
Thompson1189: its a game
MagitekMayhem: thats the way I did it
MagitekMayhem: almost done
Thompson1189: this is seriously getting longer than the
Thompson1189: that would explain the time consumption
MagitekMayhem: you mean the code length?
Thompson1189: no the length of the event
Thompson1189: watching it repeatedly
MagitekMayhem: incoming
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: dammit didn't overwirte
Thompson1189: replay that
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: k

MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I see you've incorperated three
question marks
Thompson1189: yeh it means extra confusion and frenzy
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I love 3 question marks
Thompson1189: its better than three !!!
MagitekMayhem: but it's not better then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Thompson1189: fugzshoes!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: BEOTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111117
MagitekMayhem: like the dirs?
Thompson1189: didn't check em yet
Thompson1189: busy
Thompson1189: do you think the triple shock pose thing
is confusing? can you tell whats happening or is like, wtf
was that???
Thompson1189: a bug???
MagitekMayhem: lemme watch it again
Thompson1189: i might have to integrate some lazy
Thompson1189: for the magic anim sprites
MagitekMayhem: tripple shock is great but theres a
Thompson1189: a prob... just what i lik eto hear
MagitekMayhem: the cop is up on the pole
Thompson1189: not if thats in the background
MagitekMayhem: move it?
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: yeah I'd rather do that then make
you find a solution
Thompson1189: street signs are supposed to be at
intersections anyway
Thompson1189: well i gues it kind of is
MagitekMayhem: well I'm using it where there needs to
be something vissually
Thompson1189: yeah i see
MagitekMayhem: just moving it over two tiles and it
should be fine
Thompson1189: left or righ
MagitekMayhem: left
MagitekMayhem: and facing downwards
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: instead of left to right
Thompson1189: wha Teva!
MagitekMayhem: check the dirs
Thompson1189: oooh
Thompson1189: pretty cool dirs
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: whatchin those guys run around is
Thompson1189: dont i rule
MagitekMayhem: yep
Thompson1189: :-D
Thompson1189: hey, you want me to use the cast dir?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: lol, this should be great if done right
MagitekMayhem: can't wait
MagitekMayhem: Chelles been a lil nasty lately so Imma
make her somethin nice n sweet, so gimme like 20 mins of
non KR
Thompson1189: haha, i just realized the scene starts out
with the mechanic
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: we're so fuckin awesmoe
Thompson1189: aw, you sweetheart you
Thompson1189: we? that was al lmy doing
MagitekMayhem: was it your idea?
Thompson1189: ...
MagitekMayhem: I think it was both of ours
Thompson1189: stealin my cred
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha i dont remember
Thompson1189: wait
Thompson1189: yes.
MagitekMayhem: I remember it was my idea to have it
in the sewer
MagitekMayhem: because we were trying to give vicks a
fucking quest
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i remember being in my room and
making the whole random dude thing, and he gets pushed
over for no reason. then we changed it to the mechanic
for story reasons
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: so nyah
MagitekMayhem: we're awesome
Thompson1189: ok, agreed. do your woman thing and get
back to work. i'm the boss now
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i want something filling to eat
Thompson1189: like a frickin taco meal
MagitekMayhem: hell yeah
Thompson1189: but then i would get kinda blah and slow
down on kr
Thompson1189: weighed down by the food
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: what are the dimensions of the bolt
MagitekMayhem: 64 64
Thompson1189: those are kickass dimensions
Thompson1189: 8-)
Thompson1189: is each frame only displayed 1 fps
MagitekMayhem: no but it was very fast
Thompson1189: ok
MagitekMayhem: maybe ever 2 frames
MagitekMayhem: or 3
Thompson1189: does it blink rapidly or drawn constantly
MagitekMayhem: but snes is 60 fps I think
MagitekMayhem: drawn constantly
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: thats all i need to know
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: so what kinda cheesy thing ya makin for
MagitekMayhem: I duno
MagitekMayhem: somethin with a dragon cuz she loves
MagitekMayhem: other then that I'm wiggin it
Thompson1189: make a dragon hugging a teddy bear
Thompson1189: a cute n fuzzy teddy bera
MagitekMayhem: how bout a dragon eating one
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: and then say, thats you.. the dragon. i'm
the stuffed animal
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: she will LOVE you after that
MagitekMayhem: problah
Thompson1189: crap.. i gotta do some fancy
renderscripts for this
MagitekMayhem: that bad?
Thompson1189: yeah makes it complicated
MagitekMayhem: can't go back n do em?
Thompson1189: ?
Thompson1189: wtf?
MagitekMayhem: forget itI know nothing
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: i think i'm gunna have my mom send me
a snack package soon, lol
MagitekMayhem: awesome
MagitekMayhem: you need to get in like.. cheese of the
month club
Thompson1189: i'll be like, hey mom i got a job and shit.
so how bout a nice big congrats with a years supply of
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: these granola bars are gay. theyre like
appetizers that only make you hungier for more
Thompson1189: theyre quite tasty though
Thompson1189: i should write to the company,
requesting KING SIZE
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: whoa i just got an idea.. might lag a little
though if i use it
MagitekMayhem: try it
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: just tomake this bolt drawin much
Thompson1189: damn i love the weekends.
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: you too? why
MagitekMayhem: no idea
Thompson1189: thought so.. you poser
MagitekMayhem: I do get to eat normally on weekends
thats a plus
MagitekMayhem: but after that food runs low
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: heh
Thompson1189: holy crap if this works first try i will
rejoice hardcore
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: lets hope so
Thompson1189: dont see any reason why it shouldn't, but
of course you never do the first try
Thompson1189: wait... yep i think i realized somethin
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: nah screw it, it should still work, though
its not a reliable way of doing it
Thompson1189: aw sheeit, was so close to working
Thompson1189: got a syntax,lol
MagitekMayhem: damn
Thompson1189: second trial
MagitekMayhem: gl
Thompson1189: OpenGL
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hmm, no errors. but didnt show anything
MagitekMayhem: whatsoup with that
Thompson1189: dunno
Thompson1189: doin a test
MagitekMayhem: k
Thompson1189: sweet it works
Thompson1189: just doesnt draw the bolt
MagitekMayhem: hmm?
Thompson1189: the feature i made works
MagitekMayhem: but it doesn't
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: probly not using it right.. thats fugged up
Thompson1189: that was pretty damn crafty of me
MagitekMayhem: got it?
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: almost done
Thompson1189: i just might have to integrate some lazy
MagitekMayhem: deja vu
Thompson1189: i'm serious
MagitekMayhem: you said that already though, lol
Thompson1189: yeah but that time it wasn't urgent
MagitekMayhem: go for it as long as it works
Thompson1189: all you care about is your stupid game!
you dont care about me at all! (waa make me somethin
sweet too)
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: Boromir! Shut up!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: whats the name of those stars that
come out in winter in really cold places
MagitekMayhem: aero borris ir's someting like that
Thompson1189: never heard of that
Thompson1189: ahh its jenny! lol
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: my roomates ..chick kinda
MagitekMayhem: like his Fred?
Thompson1189: almost, his other chick is more similar to
MagitekMayhem: better stay away from the other one
Thompson1189: ha
MagitekMayhem: whew, that damn woman
Thompson1189: it sucks cause they have taco bell... and i
was cravin some of that earlier
MagitekMayhem: you know taco bell meat is lower
quality mean then Dog meat
Thompson1189: yes
MagitekMayhem: it's still good isn't it?
Thompson1189: yes!
Thompson1189: i said that to fred one time when we were
there. and she agreed
MagitekMayhem: I meant dog food meat
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: yeah i eat that canned shit all the time
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ..auhg
Thompson1189: i'm gunna puke i think
Thompson1189: hold on
MagitekMayhem: k
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ...omg im gettin sick
Thompson1189: cant hold it back
Thompson1189: ...omg
Thompson1189: ok nvermind
Thompson1189: holy shit! i keep owning this script
Thompson1189: i rule
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: has lightning struck?
Thompson1189: no but i keep making these new features
MagitekMayhem: what now
MagitekMayhem: your unstopable
Thompson1189: the instantiation
Thompson1189: ok heres somethin i need from ya
Thompson1189: list of all supported sound filetypes, as
well as images
MagitekMayhem: even the ones we don't use?
Thompson1189: the ones we plan on using
MagitekMayhem: .ogg .wav .mp3
Thompson1189: sweet
MagitekMayhem: .png .gif .bmp
Thompson1189: sweet!
Thompson1189: ok thanks
MagitekMayhem: no prob
MagitekMayhem: so what will this let us do?
Thompson1189: its for me to be lazy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i made a function called getter();
Thompson1189: and you say like getter(Bolt.rss); and it
either gives you the object if its loaded, or it loads it then
gives the object. and after its loaded it will remain there
for the rest of the game. lazy!
Thompson1189: dude, you know if you make a typo of
layz it still makes sense
Thompson1189: lay-z
Thompson1189: lazy
Thompson1189: HAHA IM GAY AS HELL
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: wait, sphere supports gif?
MagitekMayhem: pretty sure
Thompson1189: oh well
MagitekMayhem: put some animated gifs in there
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: wierdcrap ones
MagitekMayhem: hell yeah
MagitekMayhem: right on the title screen
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha! man i love myself
Thompson1189: ok, now if THIS works, i will be amazed
Thompson1189: getter is my favorite function now
Thompson1189: i made it compatible with all our loadable
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: still didn't show up.. hmm somethin is
fishy here.
MagitekMayhem: getter won't lag stuff?
Thompson1189: no getter is fine, just have to use it
MagitekMayhem: ooh
Thompson1189: lemme do another test
Thompson1189: it might be all in the manner i'm tryin to
draw the bolt, might be all wrong

MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: Awesome
Thompson1189: so why wont it work in the scene
Thompson1189: ohhh i know
Thompson1189: fuck you
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: god
MagitekMayhem: what?
Thompson1189: hold on
Thompson1189: this should get'er done
Thompson1189: OMGG!!
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: it actually fuckin shocked kefka instead
MagitekMayhem: lmao
Thompson1189: like PERFECTLY
Thompson1189: SON OF A BITCCCH
MagitekMayhem: stubborn jerk, Chauncy
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: holy shit
Thompson1189: this is one for the records
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: what just happened
MagitekMayhem: screen it
Thompson1189: its scripted to bolt chauncy.. but it hit
kefka dead on.. i dont know HOW it did that
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: it was beautiful
MagitekMayhem: thats like when gimms died from your
walking script updates
Thompson1189: man.. how hilarious
Thompson1189: i'm still lol
MagitekMayhem: gotta screen?
Thompson1189: ok, this should fix it
Thompson1189: adjusted its coords
Thompson1189: haha, he blinks when he's charred, nice
MagitekMayhem: look good?
Thompson1189: dont konw,i just saw the dir
MagitekMayhem: he looks like a black guy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so do you
MagitekMayhem: 8-)
Thompson1189: ha
MagitekMayhem: fo shizzle
Thompson1189: damn! getter() is so awesome
MagitekMayhem: how much work does it save
Thompson1189: immense
MagitekMayhem: you rock
Thompson1189: it will end up eating more memory than
the eventBox though
You are no longer directly connected to
MagitekMayhem because the connection has been
Thompson1189: ey!
MagitekMayhem: it did it by itself I think
MagitekMayhem: it does that to me alot
Thompson1189: hmm.. lol
MagitekMayhem: sends couldnt send packet
Thompson1189: its like, TIMES UP
MagitekMayhem: lol yeah
Thompson1189: might need to work on that skeleton, but
its awesome as hell
MagitekMayhem: yeah it's not perfect but it's kinda
hard because the people are pretty mishapen,lol
Thompson1189: hah
Thompson1189: ooooh.. engine just crashed
Thompson1189: must have been random
Thompson1189: happened right during the beginning of
k's split, when the mechanic is walkin
MagitekMayhem: ever get the crazy clicking noise?
Thompson1189: haha you suck (no)
MagitekMayhem: :-(
Thompson1189: :-(.. i'm sorry
Thompson1189: ..nerd
MagitekMayhem: anything I should be working on
Thompson1189: what do you think about the "oh how
sweet" line
MagitekMayhem: I'm on the fence about it
Thompson1189: i liked it at first,.. but now i'm not sure
MagitekMayhem: how does the second part go?
MagitekMayhem: something.. here I come!
Thompson1189: They are cornered and helpless!
MagitekMayhem: I think instead of the slow walk
MagitekMayhem: you should've been like
MagitekMayhem: They're helpless
MagitekMayhem: step
MagitekMayhem: and concerned step
MagitekMayhem: (oops backwards)
Thompson1189: too late its fine
Thompson1189: ha
MagitekMayhem: llol
MagitekMayhem: I hope people don't interperate the
slow walk as matrix like
Thompson1189: you smokin
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I just always hate the matrix
Thompson1189: there is NO relation
Thompson1189: if somebody manages to connect them
somehow, they are GAY
MagitekMayhem: they always put gay slow motion shit in
games now
Thompson1189: sometimes its ok
MagitekMayhem: bah
Thompson1189: ff7?
MagitekMayhem: slow motion?\
Thompson1189: aeris death
MagitekMayhem: nah I'm talkin matrix style, slow
motion flips and shooting and shit
MagitekMayhem: lame as hell
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: i think thats called bullet time
MagitekMayhem: fucking PLAYING a game, in slow
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: in one you can controle the bullet I
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: that faggy
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: I'd make it do loops
Thompson1189: comes back toward you
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: lol imagine shooting an automatic rifle in
bullet time and all the shots come toward you.. and then
you watch it in normal speed and the guy shoots him
self.. somehow? lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: wow
MagitekMayhem: fires and falls
Thompson1189: sniper
Thompson1189: "ooh this ones a headshot!"
Thompson1189: sure is you fucker!
Thompson1189: splat
MagitekMayhem: anything I should work on?
Thompson1189: i dunno. i'm almost ready to send this to
you, so be patient
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: Drunken Duncan.. haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: Drunken doughnuts, it's cold as hell
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: built a little nerdcage around the
computer area
Thompson1189: and it should heat up
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: create a frame out of something, then
cover it with heavy blankets n shit
Thompson1189: get a little campfire goin
Thompson1189: roast some marshmellows.. and some
chicken.. and bbq
MagitekMayhem: that'd give bbq a new meaning for me
Thompson1189: why
MagitekMayhem: cuz I'd be bbqing and I wouldnt have
to actually bbq, I could stay on the computer
Thompson1189: hm!
Thompson1189: what if you said, bbq after this bbq
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I could do that
Thompson1189: then you'd have extra bbq to eat. lol
Thompson1189: 4 oclock
MagitekMayhem: it's a good time of the day
Thompson1189: cant wait til 4:20
Thompson1189: three hours the snack store opens
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: gonna be the first to go in?
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha, wait in front of the door
Thompson1189: i'll buy a snack for you too. (but eat it for
you too)
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: thanks
Thompson1189: yep
Thompson1189: once i get the hierarchy of guards back
into this scene, it will be complete and extra funny
MagitekMayhem: not complete
MagitekMayhem: nearly
MagitekMayhem: we need the bolt masacar
MagitekMayhem: and the stroll up to the b dist
Thompson1189: complete as in not missing something
Thompson1189: yeah he totally looks like a nig
Thompson1189: the afro
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: all i have left to do is get the dude to not
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: is it that hard?
Thompson1189: shouldn't be. its tricky though
MagitekMayhem: think we can squeez some screens
outta this scene by the end of the night and kr0 them
MagitekMayhem: or will they reveal to much?
Thompson1189: we could if you really want to, but i dont
see why
MagitekMayhem: we use to screen daily
MagitekMayhem: now it's like every other month
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i vote for "Behold the power!" screen
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: love it
Thompson1189: or the kazoo.. but then people would be
like, wtf kazoo? what a gay ass game
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: dude the kazoo is awesome
Thompson1189: i have this feeling that later on we're
gunna change our minds about it
MagitekMayhem: Chapter1 is gonna be so funny people
are gonna die of heart attacks
Thompson1189: and remove it
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: maybe the public will hate the kazoo
Thompson1189: if its a debatable issue, i'm all for
removing it if they want
Thompson1189: but for other things that we are sure
about, fuck them
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: not to sure on the kazoo, huh?
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: well I don't think removal will be a
big issue, I think you have to worry more about adding
Thompson1189: it is kinda sketchy
Thompson1189: reminds me
Thompson1189: (dunno how)
Thompson1189: remember how thompson is the manager
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: I never liked that
Thompson1189: and he got his job stolen somehow.. but i
dont remember if we came up with a solution for that or
MagitekMayhem: KEFKA becomes the manager
MagitekMayhem: damn thats' crazy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hmm that might have to be how it works
MagitekMayhem: that's from the "We need jobs"
section of the game
Thompson1189: since he needs motivation to
getrevengeon k for the rest of the game
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: damn space bar
MagitekMayhem: Do you think Thompson makes a good
atch enemy?
MagitekMayhem: (just like that, bam it's over)
MagitekMayhem: thats the guy who fried Chauncy!
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: nuh uh, chauncy fried himself
MagitekMayhem: you know how rumors are
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: seems like it would be more difficult to
make someone attack than to prevent them
MagitekMayhem: yeah, lol
Thompson1189: haha, i'm gunna make him keep blinking
on an interval
MagitekMayhem: yeah thats what I intended
Thompson1189: well right now he just blinks a few times
after getting his ass cooked
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: actually. maybe i'll just keep it that way
MagitekMayhem: when do I get to see
Thompson1189: when i prevent his ass from attacking
you still
Thompson1189: if he just stood there w/o blinking then it
seems like hes in a trance, which is good
MagitekMayhem: makin that edgar statue look nicer
Thompson1189: thats a random thing to work on, haha
Thompson1189: dont you have anythin better to do
MagitekMayhem: yeah but I'm avoiding it
Thompson1189: damn.. why the hell isn't this workin
MagitekMayhem: hm
Thompson1189: whoa! i forgot about getter();
Thompson1189: that sure is awesome
MagitekMayhem: getter needs to be mentioned like ateq
MagitekMayhem: done list
Thompson1189: like, "wtf does that mean??"
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: oh in the list
Thompson1189: what if it was like
MagitekMayhem: we should update the list in a few
days or somethin
Thompson1189: ateq() done
Thompson1189: getter() done
MagitekMayhem: Just like that
MagitekMayhem: the worldmap makes me weep
Thompson1189: get'er done!
MagitekMayhem: ugh, I hate that guy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: role is passed down to next guard if
original asignee is vanquished!!
MagitekMayhem: Hierchy of Guards HoG also needs to
be metioned
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: definitely
MagitekMayhem: where's our interviews
Thompson1189: also, Fred Trial -done
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: put that under events, hah
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: it would be awesome to do an interview
MagitekMayhem: hell yeah
MagitekMayhem: maybe in a few years
MagitekMayhem: or maybe when chap1 is done
Thompson1189: especially a collaborative one
MagitekMayhem: at this rate a few weeks
Thompson1189: both of us answer the question
MagitekMayhem: yeah thats how I wish for it
MagitekMayhem: I'lL TAKE THIS ONE
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: a few weeks is ..yikes
Thompson1189: NO FUCK YOU
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: I QUIT
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: we'll do that for the last question
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: awesome
Thompson1189: but... fuck! cant fix this
Thompson1189: (butfuck eww)
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: can you like
MagitekMayhem: make a status effect called stfu
Thompson1189: lol!
Thompson1189: i could, but status effects dont even have
effects yet. they aren't functional
MagitekMayhem: well I'm jus sayin maybe thats a way
to stop 'em
MagitekMayhem: can you make him a fake target?
Thompson1189: there is, its called the busy
MagitekMayhem: aint workin?
Thompson1189: i'm saying that hes BUSY
Thompson1189: but it doesn't wanna take that shit
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: and the dudes only attack if not busy
MagitekMayhem: hm
Thompson1189: doin some testing
MagitekMayhem: k
Thompson1189: send me brook
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrook.rmp.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: worldmap makes me graw
Thompson1189: i wonder why the guards didn't keep
attacking then
MagitekMayhem: hmm
MagitekMayhem: 0 speed?
Thompson1189: nah, cause i copied their stats for
MagitekMayhem: hmm
Thompson1189: something to do with that battle pausing
after you fight, and this one pausing before
MagitekMayhem: any luck?
Thompson1189: yeah i bid on it.. looks promising
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha it lists the nutrition facts for the
MagitekMayhem: loll
Thompson1189: fuck, i cant figure it out. i'll just send it
to ya how it is, then try fixin it tomorrow
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189: g og og og
MagitekMayhem: ok
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ..damn, not a single go
Thompson1189: i guess Neo Contra is out or somethin..
gotta chck that shit out
MagitekMayhem: the save point shine kicks ass
MagitekMayhem: you forgot to send battle.js
Thompson1189: shit
Thompson1189: how'd you konw
MagitekMayhem: error
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189: sorry
MagitekMayhem: no big deal
Thompson1189: i ruined everything!
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: :'(might as well quit
MagitekMayhem: the frying is awesome
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: :-D
MagitekMayhem: gonna watch again
Thompson1189: gotta do somethin about K's reaction.
should he just go nuts after the battle, or right after the
MagitekMayhem: I think after the bolt
MagitekMayhem: then after the dude falls
MagitekMayhem: he rushses to grab it
MagitekMayhem: the guard needs a whistle dir
Thompson1189: what were the two things we wanted him
to say
MagitekMayhem: why didnt I think of that before
Thompson1189: Unh
Thompson1189: and..
Thompson1189: Ackk!
Thompson1189: ha
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so you wanna call it a night
MagitekMayhem: lemme just get the BEHOLD THE
POWER screen
MagitekMayhem: oh dude
MagitekMayhem: we gotta fry all those ladies
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: is that why they're there?
Thompson1189: no, i just needed to make the town seem
Thompson1189: but thats an excellent idea
Thompson1189: cook'em
Thompson1189: dunno wtf that was
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: ready to hit the junk?
MagitekMayhem: in a min
MagitekMayhem: Alright, I got it
MagitekMayhem: ready to get outta here?
Thompson1189: in a min
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: last news says merry xmas... not cool
MagitekMayhem: wha?
Thompson1189: kr0
MagitekMayhem: want me to update it right now?
Thompson1189: if your gay
Thompson1189: i wouldn't say theres no bugs in 4.3
either, just minimized
MagitekMayhem: well theres no game ending bugs
MagitekMayhem: right?
Thompson1189: hmm
Thompson1189: guess not, except that random engine
MagitekMayhem: I never got that
MagitekMayhem: in years anyway
Thompson1189: me neither, probly wasn't sphere's fault
MagitekMayhem: ah
Thompson1189: hey, why'd you remove the original ff6
Thompson1189: its supposed to show the parody
MagitekMayhem: because we rewrote it
MagitekMayhem: and it stoped making sense
Thompson1189: nuh uh
MagitekMayhem: ours is like two paragraphs longer now
Thompson1189: just align the original paragraphs with
the ones we copied
Thompson1189: supremacy, stupidity.. hahah i love it
Thompson1189: gets me everytime
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: who did that btw
MagitekMayhem: me
Thompson1189: give them a raise
MagitekMayhem: thanks
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I put (stupidy) in parenteses one day
MagitekMayhem: and you made it a pop up
Thompson1189: oh, so we both did
MagitekMayhem: you did the work
MagitekMayhem: I click it everytime I'm on the about
Thompson1189: me too
Thompson1189: its like an OCD thing
MagitekMayhem: damn Oct 1st I went nuts on KR
MagitekMayhem: that was like 9 pm to 9 am
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so i've been workin for over 12 hours
MagitekMayhem: not nonstop
Thompson1189: well i had to do things in order to survive
MagitekMayhem: yeah lol
Thompson1189: but over alll it probly added up to over
MagitekMayhem: I was like, eating while plaving tiles
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: you rocked today
MagitekMayhem: kicked my ass
Thompson1189: it was no prob
Thompson1189: nothin better to do
Thompson1189: when i have better things to do, then its
a prob
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: but it still sucks that i worked so damn
long and got barely anything accomplished
MagitekMayhem: what took all the time up?
Thompson1189: duh
Thompson1189: k's split
MagitekMayhem: specificly though
MagitekMayhem: the things you couldn't get right
Thompson1189: watching it over and over again to adjust
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: damn
MagitekMayhem: well it's almost done
MagitekMayhem: finish battle, then bolt masacar
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: then chat with two dudes (can be a
diff scene)
Thompson1189: then tzen
MagitekMayhem: I better get to work on that worldmap
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: how bout tomorrows goal is to make it to
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: its a goal, not a due date
MagitekMayhem: don't exept the worldmap to look all
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: i dont care
MagitekMayhem: I'll work on it though
MagitekMayhem: needs tons and tons of work
MagitekMayhem: and it's hard cuz everythings so
MagitekMayhem: minoot
MagitekMayhem: uh, do you like Tzen?
MagitekMayhem: I kinda feel like it's missing something
Thompson1189: i dont care yet
MagitekMayhem: ok
MagitekMayhem: lemme know if somethin's missin'
MagitekMayhem: I got alot of charred dirs to make
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: if you make them black enough you
could use the same dir for everyone
MagitekMayhem: nah
MagitekMayhem: hey, I think the bolting should end in
a big laugh
MagitekMayhem: with chared bodies all around
Thompson1189: and a relaxing fade out
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: damn man.. K's split could be done
Thompson1189: ...
MagitekMayhem: Finish Wedge's next?
Thompson1189: but finishing them all means BATTLE
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: but those only need to be done once
MagitekMayhem: I'll be so happy when those are outta
the way
Thompson1189: yeah
Thompson1189: i'm happy already that the battle events
Thompson1189: for the most part
MagitekMayhem: I gotta write dialogue changers for
K's split still
MagitekMayhem: and VIcks maybe
Thompson1189: cool
MagitekMayhem: so for me tommorow
MagitekMayhem: write some docs
MagitekMayhem: buncha charred dirs
MagitekMayhem: whistle dir
Thompson1189: and get dressed
MagitekMayhem: and worldmap
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: hey
Thompson1189: hey
MagitekMayhem: should the kazoo have a diff dir
MagitekMayhem: like it'd be all bright
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: whatever man
Thompson1189: i'm definitely not lookin forward to
redoing the chase
MagitekMayhem: what's to be changed again?
Thompson1189: make it not so lame
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: cause it causes confusion a lot
MagitekMayhem: gotta keep the arrows though
Thompson1189: and i dont personally like it that much
MagitekMayhem: me either
MagitekMayhem: we've surpased it
Thompson1189: what? you bastard!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I like it still but I don't feel it fits
in too good
Thompson1189: right
Thompson1189: especially k's first appearance
Thompson1189: dude!
MagitekMayhem: what
Thompson1189: lets have a secondary prechase
MagitekMayhem: with who
Thompson1189: let you wander around with K in that
small area before you do the pickpocket
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: I love it
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: we're just digging ourselves deeper
MagitekMayhem: can we make the people treat him real
bad cuz he's a bum?
Thompson1189: we'll never get this game done
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I think we will
MagitekMayhem: the other chaps will go lots quicker
Thompson1189: maybe
Thompson1189: so prechase2 it is
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: postprechase
Thompson1189: prechase, prechase2, chase, chase2
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I'm sure we'll have a chase3
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: yikes
Thompson1189: not in chap1 atleast
MagitekMayhem: way later
Thompson1189: yeah cause theyre starting to do the
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: (k's split)
MagitekMayhem: wedge's quest shouldn't take took long
to wrap up, cept for the battle junk
Thompson1189: yeah. we should add some more talk in
the beginning
Thompson1189: for your objective
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: the brook forest entrance is kind of
vague too
MagitekMayhem: you mean visually?
Thompson1189: its hard to find/in a weird spot
Thompson1189: but what do you expect i guess
Thompson1189: its on the edge of the town
MagitekMayhem: I can put up a sign
Thompson1189: yeah i was gunna say that
Thompson1189: but theres still somethin about brook
that is hard to move around
Thompson1189: gotta take a lot of detours
MagitekMayhem: and maybe make those street signs
actually function
MagitekMayhem: it's very sectioned off
MagitekMayhem: want more shortcuts?
Thompson1189: yes
MagitekMayhem: if you have any ideas for one lemme
Thompson1189: i guess mainly
Thompson1189: is between the b-dist and the bum area
Thompson1189: cause you either have to go all the way
around throgh the rich area and down those stairs, or
around the brook ruins
MagitekMayhem: remember wehre the two guards were?
MagitekMayhem: at the chase 2
MagitekMayhem: what if I put a ladder right in the
middle there
Thompson1189: dc
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
Thompson1189 declines request; no connection was
made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy
should use the latest version of AIM.).
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
Thompson1189 cancels request; no connection was
made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy
should use the latest version of AIM.).
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.

Thompson1189: yeah? eh?
MagitekMayhem: lemme do some counting
Thompson1189: ah dont worry about that
Thompson1189: its a game
MagitekMayhem: I can pull it off but I have to take a
chunk outta the ruins
Thompson1189: anyone who notices a level inconsistency
has to be GAY
MagitekMayhem: and what about the ladder
Thompson1189: where
MagitekMayhem: between those two big blue banners
Thompson1189: wouldn't be much shorter
MagitekMayhem: I'm saying in addition
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: ladders are buggy right now anyway,
MagitekMayhem: anywhere else?
Thompson1189: yeah from the rich-kinda part above the
docks.. and right where that tunnel passage is.. i dont
like being blocked off there
MagitekMayhem: gimme an illustration again

Thompson1189: yeah? eh?
MagitekMayhem: ok thats doable also
MagitekMayhem: what else ya got
Thompson1189: hm.. i'd say from the towers platform to
somewhere south of it, but theres really no room for
MagitekMayhem: I did see a crazy opening down there
MagitekMayhem: stairs to the town square area
MagitekMayhem: the upper part of it
Thompson1189: 
MagitekMayhem: yeah that'll work
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: i'm owning you
MagitekMayhem: I always wanted an easy way up there
Thompson1189: i think with more shortcuts people will
bitch less about the slow walking speed
MagitekMayhem: yea
MagitekMayhem: or they could press shift
MagitekMayhem: lol

MagitekMayhem: you can already walk thru that I think
MagitekMayhem: nope guess not
Thompson1189: i know its architectuaraly wrong but shit
Thompson1189: just pretend theres a hole in the house
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: no it's good
MagitekMayhem: I forgot to fix this area
Thompson1189: i think that about covers it
MagitekMayhem: I just did that last one
MagitekMayhem: should I do something with the MCM
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: dudes in them?
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: maybe some decals
MagitekMayhem: like a behemoth burger
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: (how do they kill those things, lol)
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: frickin car wont work! stfu tryin to sleep!
MagitekMayhem: why is that familiar?
Thompson1189: its the KR Development graph
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: well i closed my editor
Thompson1189: junktime
MagitekMayhem: you can hit the junks
MagitekMayhem: I'm gonna sit here n stare at Brook
for an hour
Thompson1189: Brook Burke?
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: it took me a min to figure out that
was a chick
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: a hott one'
MagitekMayhem: I was like wtf your spoutin nonsense
Thompson1189: ok seeya nerd
MagitekMayhem: later man
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.