MagitekMayhem: Good morning sir
Thompson1189: yeeo!
Thompson1189: already been workin for over an hour
MagitekMayhem: jeez your a machine
Thompson1189: about about jew
MagitekMayhem: I'm gonna hop in the shower in a few
MagitekMayhem: then join ya
Thompson1189: not when yer naked
MagitekMayhem: no I'm gonna get clothed
Thompson1189: i might go eat soon
Thompson1189: around 6 probly
MagitekMayhem: rad
MagitekMayhem: so what progress you makin over there?
Thompson1189: none at all, sonnabeetch
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: messin around with the rtb
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: hey, maybe this'll fix it
Thompson1189: i kept messin around with it, makin it he
does bolt after you attack him, etc
MagitekMayhem: ooh
MagitekMayhem: tryin to get him to not attack still?
Thompson1189: yeh
Thompson1189: with the new feature i just added though, it
might do the trick
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: moment of truth..
Thompson1189: NO
Thompson1189: FUCKYOU
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: damn
Thompson1189: god.. why the hell does he refuse to not
MagitekMayhem: coul you just get rid of his attack
Thompson1189: no, i just need to make a way to disable
attacking. i just tried it but it still wont work, wtf
MagitekMayhem: alright Imma get in the shower then it's
KR time for me
Thompson1189: wait, maybe it'll work now
Auto response from MagitekMayhem: In the Shower. I love
you, Michelle!
Thompson1189: ok it worked
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189: the toast dir doesn't have the right effect
MagitekMayhem: My sister hijacked the computer
Thompson1189: then hijack her
MagitekMayhem: so whatsoup with the toast dir
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: ok, I'll work on it
MagitekMayhem: got ridda all the dialogue in the
MagitekMayhem: that speeds it up nice
Thompson1189: yeah so i could start the scene, go do
seomthing else, then come back and it would be ready to
Thompson1189: instead of sittin gthrough it and getting
MagitekMayhem: sweet as hell
Thompson1189: i wanna see that metallica documentary
MagitekMayhem: you already know what happens
Thompson1189: ??
MagitekMayhem: forget it, lol
Thompson1189: feels like sunday.. which is a good thing
MagitekMayhem: workin on the new dirs
Thompson1189: bbq dinner
MagitekMayhem: alright
MagitekMayhem: dirs should be done by then
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189: ok
MagitekMayhem: accept the send
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: twice'
MagitekMayhem: need it again?
Thompson1189: yeah it never overwrites the first time
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: got it?
Thompson1189: sweet
Thompson1189: he crouches first
Thompson1189: if only there was a way to make just.. plop
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: like he's dead already but just standing
there. so when you push him over he plops to the ground
Thompson1189: instead of crouching
MagitekMayhem: graw
Thompson1189: which can probly be done with the crouch
dir, 2nd frame
MagitekMayhem: yeah it should work
MagitekMayhem: be back later, my sister is gonna play
MagitekMayhem: she gets off at 8 then it's KR time again
Thompson1189: awesome
MagitekMayhem: later
MagitekMayhem: graw haw?
Auto response from Thompson1189: i'm probly like, staring
at the screen but not really doing anything.. haha wtf
thats the way to be idle
Thompson1189: he
Thompson1189: eaok
MagitekMayhem: updatin' kr0
MagitekMayhem: btw you broke the bar fight
Thompson1189: probly
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: Got DragonForce goin
Thompson1189: i almost feel like goin partyin
MagitekMayhem: I won't stop ya, earned a break
Thompson1189: i just woke up from a 3 hour nap
Thompson1189: so i'm like.. eehhh
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: get some snacks
Thompson1189: i'm thinkin about that
MagitekMayhem: how was dinner?
Thompson1189: the usual.. like a 10 course meal
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: wakin up yet?
Thompson1189: no
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: yeah i'm gunna need snacks sooner or later
Thompson1189: somethin to wake me up
MagitekMayhem: yeah snacks do that
MagitekMayhem: I also suggest some metal
Thompson1189: good idea, but let me enjoy this laziness a
little bit more
MagitekMayhem: lovin' it?
Thompson1189: im lovin tahtaom2@
MagitekMayhem: ?
Thompson1189: aah/// i oim3
MagitekMayhem: Disciples of Babylon is sweet
Thompson1189: slayer.
MagitekMayhem: I lost all my slayer when I reformated :/
sucks cuz I had the complete collection
MagitekMayhem: what're video links
Thompson1189: something nerdy
MagitekMayhem: and wtf is FCP
MagitekMayhem: applying to a web development job
Thompson1189: Future Computer Programming
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: think they mean FTP?
Thompson1189: whats the context
MagitekMayhem: Must have strong HTML skills and
experience creating video links as well as knowledge of
photoshop, Illustrator, FCP etc....
Thompson1189: sounds like a program
MagitekMayhem: yeah but I can't find anything with that
Thompson1189: just tell them you rule at webdesign. thats
how i got my job
MagitekMayhem: exept the fishing content providor
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: alright
Thompson1189: maybe they want a website about fight
Thompson1189: fish!
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
Thompson1189: dc
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
Thompson1189: ha! theres the smily i need
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i'm in one of those moods where my mood
would not be affected no matter where i was
MagitekMayhem: lol crazy
Thompson1189: existentialist
MagitekMayhem: so KR or what?
Thompson1189: no
MagitekMayhem: alright
MagitekMayhem: I'm gonna put those shortcuts in
MagitekMayhem: wanna talk about 6/6/6?
Thompson1189: ok
MagitekMayhem: where?
Thompson1189: an abandoned warehouse
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: bbq?
Thompson1189: ..?
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: there will be no bbq?
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: pizza party?
Thompson1189: yep
MagitekMayhem: should be by my house then
MagitekMayhem: I could drain like 50 diff placese of
theire pizza supply
Thompson1189: how
MagitekMayhem: theres a piza place every other block
MagitekMayhem: same with chiense
MagitekMayhem: got a taco bell
MagitekMayhem: burger king, wendys
MagitekMayhem: pizza hut dominos
MagitekMayhem: lotsa snacks
Thompson1189: makin me hungry
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.
Thompson1189: alive?
Previous message was not received by MagitekMayhem
because of error: User MagitekMayhem is not available.
MagitekMayhem: chu doin
Thompson1189: messin around on the facebook
MagitekMayhem: ra
MagitekMayhem: dd
MagitekMayhem: I think I feel dizzy from too much pixel
work I need a days rest
MagitekMayhem: to see what hapens
Thompson1189: i'm still planning to work on kr, but i have
yet to begin
Thompson1189: snacks too
Thompson1189: damn, i better get snacks now if i want
some.. they close in less than an hour
MagitekMayhem: go for it
Thompson1189: whataya think i should get
MagitekMayhem: somethin salty?
Thompson1189: ...
Thompson1189: i'm gu nna throw up
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: gunna PUKE
Thompson1189: UGHH
Thompson1189: ok bbq for snack
MagitekMayhem: BLAARRGHHH
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: (hah bbq)
Thompson1189: ahh
MagitekMayhem: you've returned!
Thompson1189: with POWER
MagitekMayhem: I'm BEHOLDING
Thompson1189: IM GUNNA EAT IT
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: thats sweet
Thompson1189: yeah this site is awesome
Thompson1189: i found like all my high school classmates
MagitekMayhem: "Poke Him!" ?
Thompson1189: yeah ive already poked at least 50 people
Thompson1189: i got pizza rolls and doritos
Thompson1189: and WATER
MagitekMayhem: Awesome!
Thompson1189: mmm
Thompson1189: i just farted and it echoed down the hall
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: get the new judas priest??
MagitekMayhem: na
MagitekMayhem: out already?
Thompson1189: i guess
MagitekMayhem: 1ST MARCH 2005 USA
MagitekMayhem: not yet
Thompson1189: well it must have been leaked on the
MagitekMayhem: Angel of Retribution?
Thompson1189: yea
MagitekMayhem: DL it
MagitekMayhem: or lemme DL it
Thompson1189: thought you had no space left
MagitekMayhem: enough for some mp3s
MagitekMayhem: I deleted some junk
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: not much junk
MagitekMayhem: account username
Thompson1189: delfrickintree posers
Thompson1189: might not have any seeders according to
the discussion
Thompson1189: theres supposedly a bigger one
Thompson1189: yah? nah?
MagitekMayhem: thanks
MagitekMayhem: it's goin
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: holy crap i'm goin to town on these dortios
and i shouldn't be
Thompson1189: should ration them
Thompson1189: alright, time for metal. then some kr
Thompson1189: haha, without the dialogue the kazoo and
whistle are right in order
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
Thompson1189: dc!!!
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
MagitekMayhem: there a prob?
Thompson1189: how's it look
MagitekMayhem: not perfect
Thompson1189: i think its kinda hard to tell what the hell
he's doing
Thompson1189: these doritos remind me of southern
comfort.. ech
Thompson1189: ok, heres a thing we gotta decide
Thompson1189: either A
Thompson1189: timebars dont increase while events are
Thompson1189: or B
Thompson1189: they do, but dont do the menu until the
event is done
MagitekMayhem: B
Thompson1189: good
Thompson1189: done
Thompson1189: am i a high speed soldier or what
MagitekMayhem: yep
MagitekMayhem: anything else?
Thompson1189: oops
Thompson1189: fixed
Thompson1189: did you make a whistle dir?
MagitekMayhem: whats with the extra long bar
Thompson1189: was a bug
Thompson1189: but i fixed it already cause i'm high speed
MagitekMayhem: I'll get to it my eyes need a break from
pixels for a bit
Thompson1189: ok
MagitekMayhem: I guess it's ok to get back in now
Thompson1189: yer gunna be one of those guys with
THICK glasses
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: no but I have astigmatism
Thompson1189: ?!?
Thompson1189: sick
MagitekMayhem: my glasses have actually been getting
Thompson1189: stigmata
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: so what happens next in the scene
Thompson1189: he picks up the shard
Thompson1189: no, first he has to react
Thompson1189: liek WTF MAGIC?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: Shock pose
Thompson1189: ok
MagitekMayhem: he should be joyus
Thompson1189: MY PRECIOUS lol
MagitekMayhem: YUP!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I have it in note to self for him to say
Thompson1189: sweet, we can parody lotr too
MagitekMayhem: yup
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: whoa, really
MagitekMayhem: thats so sweet
MagitekMayhem: yeah hardcore, My Precious
Thompson1189: yeah its a lot better to have B instead
MagitekMayhem: thats how FF6 was
MagitekMayhem: thats why I said b
Thompson1189: sweet
Thompson1189: i should check out this barfight. see whats
Thompson1189: party in my room!
Thompson1189: oh, i never broke the battle, that was a test
thing i forgot to remove
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: whew
MagitekMayhem: gonna do the whistle now
Thompson1189: know somethin weird, i dont have a sounds
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: where do you keep WHISTLE
Thompson1189: i dunno, it just doesn't show up in sde
MagitekMayhem: any idea why theres a pose of the guard
that says BUCK
MagitekMayhem: and it's just a head
Thompson1189: yeah
MagitekMayhem: wha
Thompson1189: when he gets bucked off the chocobo
MagitekMayhem: oooh
Thompson1189: thats a good question, where are the sfx
Thompson1189: its not in explorer eiehter
MagitekMayhem: Sounds folder
MagitekMayhem: weird
MagitekMayhem: but it still works?
MagitekMayhem: lol we have so many crazy dirs
Thompson1189: yeah it still works
MagitekMayhem: hidden folder?
Thompson1189: nope
Thompson1189: am i just blind.. or where is it
MagitekMayhem: the fight pose almost looks like a whistle
MagitekMayhem: want me to send ya mine?\
Thompson1189: no.. its just confusing
MagitekMayhem: almost time for kazoo and whistle dirs
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrookguard.rss.
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Villager20.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: need another round?
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: double the guard, not the villager
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrookguard.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: JP is at 15%
Thompson1189: thats pretty slow
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: but it's 90 megs
MagitekMayhem: brb pee
MagitekMayhem: k
MagitekMayhem: see the whistle
MagitekMayhem: ?
Thompson1189: i cant work righ t nwo there a party
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.
Thompson1189: dude
MagitekMayhem: hm?
Thompson1189: whoa, you went and changed your COLOR
Thompson1189: i hate colors
MagitekMayhem: I'm on AIM
MagitekMayhem: cuz Vince is a dick
Thompson1189: on WHAT?
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: regular AIM
Thompson1189: some kinda drug??
Thompson1189: got some free pizza
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: whats the scoop on kr
MagitekMayhem: check the kazoo and whistle dirs
Thompson1189: ah yes
Thompson1189: you actually made two dirs haha
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: ahh this is too hilarious
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: holhy shiet
Thompson1189: aww the deer hunter one is gross
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: look at FF XI
Thompson1189: i'll get there
Thompson1189: aww no!! look at Drakan
MagitekMayhem: lol I saw
Thompson1189: that is NOT right
Thompson1189: whoa theres a game called Jammit
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I think thats a rap basketball game
Thompson1189: hahah the star wars one is good, mission
Thompson1189: hahah kirby is getting ass raped
MagitekMayhem: lol yeah
Thompson1189: aww Lineage 2 is WOINT
MagitekMayhem: lol that ones awesome
Thompson1189: god what a great site
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: gay erotica lol
Thompson1189: hahah, how great is ring king
MagitekMayhem: I know lol
MagitekMayhem: super smash bros is really good to
Thompson1189: what the hell is it supposed to be.. other
than the obvious
MagitekMayhem: I duno, lol
Thompson1189: nah there was a better self bj one
Thompson1189: oh wait, theres melee
Thompson1189: lol yeah that is good
MagitekMayhem: Ultima online, lol
Thompson1189: take it easy man, he's bleeding!
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: take screen shot lol
MagitekMayhem: yeah, lol
Thompson1189: choodoin
MagitekMayhem: freezin
MagitekMayhem: wanna get to work?
MagitekMayhem: put the whistl and kazoo dirs in,
Imma switch back to Trillian
MagitekMayhem: ok
Auto response from MagitekMayhem: SNES is Spankin'.
MagitekMayhem: awesome
Thompson1189: so is this
Thompson1189: same dude.. wtf
MagitekMayhem: yeah it's mentioned in the other artcile
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: that guys gonna be a freakin bazilionaire
Thompson1189: what if he invented immortality
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: that rocks
Thompson1189: i just found the sweetest fuckin picture
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: tonight was pretty sad for kr
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: wanna work now?
Thompson1189: maybe
MagitekMayhem: I'm gonna work on Brook in a few
Thompson1189: ok i work then
Thompson1189: got the whistle dirs in
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: how do they look
Thompson1189: you cant quite tell his arm is there, looks
like things are just comin out of his mouth
MagitekMayhem: I kinda see what ya mean
MagitekMayhem: hold on
Thompson1189: i think we should not have the damage
digits when k attacks chauncy
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: your right
Thompson1189: but that might be trickeryish
Thompson1189: haha, dont you love how the other two just
scramble like pazies and then end up running concentrically
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: how much
Thompson1189: was it worth a whole day's work
MagitekMayhem: 6 lbs worth, yup
Thompson1189: awesome
MagitekMayhem: make this work the first try
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrookguard.rss.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: yea?
Thompson1189: yeah caue you sent it earlier it worked
Thompson1189: was that fight dir there before?
MagitekMayhem: for months
Thompson1189: why'd you send this
MagitekMayhem: whistle and kazoo
Thompson1189: modified?
MagitekMayhem: yep
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: no work for me thne'
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrookguard.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: that one didn't send
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Albrookguard.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: oh i think it checks the modified date and
ignores overwriting it
MagitekMayhem: wtf
Thompson1189: yeah i know
Thompson1189: fuck it
Thompson1189: so what's k's dialogue after battle
Thompson1189: i'm thinkin
Thompson1189: first he does a
Thompson1189: .....
Thompson1189: then
Thompson1189: was... that... mm..mmm..
Thompson1189: (shock)
MagitekMayhem: Yeah thats awesome
Thompson1189: MAGIC
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: jammin to odyssey
MagitekMayhem: sym x?
Thompson1189: YEUH
MagitekMayhem: rad
Thompson1189: damn i wanna make him do a panzy dance
Thompson1189: using lots of dirs
MagitekMayhem: do it
Thompson1189: a lot of my bugs are due to the spelling of
MagitekMayhem: wtf?
MagitekMayhem: how's that cause a problem
Thompson1189: k before f
Thompson1189: it will be like either, person kekfa not
found, or kekfa undefined
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I do that with some words too
Thompson1189: except you dont have an editor calling you a
frickin dumbass
MagitekMayhem: Vince does that
Thompson1189: he has no life
Thompson1189: haha check this out
Thompson1189: ateq("talkjunk('KEFKA: Was/w./w.
/w/w/wthat/w./w. /w/w/wmmwm/w./w. /w/w/wm/wm/wm...');");
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: hopefully i didn't mess it up
MagitekMayhem: Remember how they did that in FF6
Thompson1189: kinda
MagitekMayhem: I dont think we can or should replicate it
MagitekMayhem: but they made M scroll for like 30 lines
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ahhhh yes!
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: damn
Thompson1189: we could do like 100 M's along the textbox
Thompson1189: MMMMmmMMmmmmMMmmm!!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I need to move Dr. Smith the fish
Thompson1189: dont forget your bait
Thompson1189: i'm gunna make him backflip
Thompson1189: crazy bastard loves magic so much
MagitekMayhem: yep
MagitekMayhem: Dr Smith has been safely relocated
MagitekMayhem: Dr smith, wtf
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: dr smith rules
MagitekMayhem: lemme see what I called the other fish
MagitekMayhem: wellington
Thompson1189: awesome
Thompson1189: you should use icarus and archimedes
MagitekMayhem: Chelle named one of her fish Archimedes
Thompson1189: atta girl
MagitekMayhem: perfect
Thompson1189: psh, you haven't even seen him wig out yet
Thompson1189: he's gunna go absolutely crazy after that
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: thats what we want
Thompson1189: what he if was like indifferent about it
Thompson1189: magic.. hm. cool
MagitekMayhem: LAME
Thompson1189: ha!
Thompson1189: hey what if after he picks up the shard, he
says something about revenge
Thompson1189: somethin like "now i'm even closer to
Thompson1189: (accolade 2 is a fukkin great song)
MagitekMayhem: This rock will help me get rid of those (it
Thompson1189: man you totally lamed it out, lol,!
MagitekMayhem: those buncha freaks who ruined my rain
of terror!
Thompson1189: good thing my job is to make sure the
cheesiness factor doesn't get out of hand
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: my version is 100x better still, lol
Thompson1189: i'm thinking..
Thompson1189: a stone that possesses magical powers?
Thompson1189: ..excellent
Thompson1189: or splendid, whatever k fashion
MagitekMayhem: Uwee hee hee
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: 5 oclock metal!! \m/
MagitekMayhem: Sweet
Thompson1189: metal is the best alarm clock one could ask
MagitekMayhem: definatly
Thompson1189: lol, reminds of a commercial for some
orange juice i think, the kid was sleepin and some hardcore
band busted in his room and started screaming and jamming
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: heh, thats a pretty good reaction so far
MagitekMayhem: exelent
Thompson1189: here
MagitekMayhem: got a shortcut done
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189: hey thats badass, except you cant tell
theres a tunnel passage there
Thompson1189: unless you want it hidden sorta
MagitekMayhem: I'll do somethin with it
Thompson1189: some shadow maybe
Thompson1189: different tile
MagitekMayhem: yeah probly
Thompson1189: is there really that much difference in
elevation? two stairsets
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: sweet
Thompson1189: thats our new daily gif (in honor of rastan!)
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: arlight
MagitekMayhem: the head shake is awesome
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: how do you like the "what the?!" line
MagitekMayhem: like it
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: i considered using a Gah! or somethin,..
Thompson1189: but its just a shiney stone
MagitekMayhem: Gah! is more like graw
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: more to come for the freakout right?
Thompson1189: YES
Thompson1189: he's gunna be climbing the fuckin walls
Thompson1189: (cimb dir, lol)
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: could you make a breakdancing animation
for him? i think that would be necessary here
MagitekMayhem: what does he need to do
MagitekMayhem: spin on his back?
Thompson1189: yes.
Thompson1189: diagram coming up
MagitekMayhem: ok, lol
MagitekMayhem: for back spinning just use the two dead
Thompson1189: haha
MagitekMayhem: but there needs to be two more
MagitekMayhem: because down2 would look bad fliped
MagitekMayhem: ugh, lol
MagitekMayhem: you got somethin to do while your
Thompson1189: you realize i was joking about the whole
breakdance thing
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: I was thinking you wanted some crazy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: alright
Thompson1189: i meant literal
MagitekMayhem: so you don't need any more at all?
Thompson1189: nah you've seen the things i can do with the
current dirs
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: make sure you use the YEAH one
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I'mm make a dir of the shard by itself
Thompson1189: for whaeat
Thompson1189: incase someone plays toss with it
MagitekMayhem: he hasta go pick it up
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I think K also needs a shard dir
Thompson1189: i haven't done anything related to physics in
a while
Thompson1189: something needs to be thrown, kicked,
dropped, etc
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I have no ideas
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Tinymisc.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: i still wish he had that proportional frame
delay/walking speed feature
MagitekMayhem: what bs did we get for requesting that
Thompson1189: hmm dont remember
Thompson1189: lol, so far its hilarious
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: how much more freaking out then I've
Thompson1189: like 6 minutes of freaking out
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: the guy loves magic
Thompson1189: hey remember when i think it was dooz, who
suggested a scene of a guy eating meat for like 10 minutes
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: no but lol
Thompson1189: heh. well i remember we planned on using a
really long time to show something.. i forgot just what
Thompson1189: you?
MagitekMayhem: no idea
Thompson1189: dun
Thompson1189: durn
MagitekMayhem: I sorta remember the really long time
idea though
Thompson1189: yeah
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Kefka.rss.
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: again
MagitekMayhem: oops
MagitekMayhem: forgot to name it
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Kefka.rss.
MagitekMayhem: Take this
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: work?
Thompson1189: again
Thompson1189: what a piece
MagitekMayhem wants to send file Kefka.rss.
Thompson1189: there
Thompson1189 received
Thompson1189: precious!
Thompson1189: dont think thats really necessary?
Thompson1189: bbq
MagitekMayhem: I think it'd be sweet
Thompson1189: not sure about it
MagitekMayhem: alright
Thompson1189: i'm gunna make him disrobe then run
around and NudeKefka
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: workin still?
Thompson1189: yeah
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: its gettin intense
MagitekMayhem: I'll get back to brook soon, reading
someting important
Thompson1189: (vg pron)
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: you know what you said about linking the
b.dist to the shitty area
Thompson1189: yah
MagitekMayhem: instead of stairs
MagitekMayhem: how about a crappy wooden raised
platform on a pulley or something crazy like that
MagitekMayhem: and you do something and it drops like 20
tiles down
MagitekMayhem: and you can raise it back up
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hm
Thompson1189: maybe
MagitekMayhem: it's extra work, but stairs won't work
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: unless I rip out chunks of the ruins and
that place where the gurads stand, and I don't wanna do
MagitekMayhem: either that
MagitekMayhem: or you can just take a leap down from
MagitekMayhem: doesnt work
Thompson1189: why
MagitekMayhem: thats only two tiles
Thompson1189: so
MagitekMayhem: two tiles of stiar
Thompson1189: nobody will care
MagitekMayhem: for a huge elevation diff
Thompson1189: so what, its genius architecture
Thompson1189: defies laws of balance, or something
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: may as well make a sliding pond
Thompson1189: or a jungle vine.
MagitekMayhem: how about a rope
MagitekMayhem: or a lose wire
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: nope. a helicopter takes you across
MagitekMayhem: how about aliens
Thompson1189: how bout..
Thompson1189: make stairs or i quit
Thompson1189: HA
MagitekMayhem: how about a huge stack of crates
Thompson1189: maybe..
Thompson1189: dude i am so not tired, what about you
MagitekMayhem: nope, I'm good
Thompson1189: rad
MagitekMayhem: when can I see the freakout
Thompson1189: real quick her
Thompson1189: maybe you can suggest some alternate dirs
to use, cause its kinda confusing as is
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: k, here
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
MagitekMayhem: the script size whent up 4 kbs
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ha
Thompson1189: leave it open when its done, then walk
around. i think that speed should be the sprint shoes
MagitekMayhem: agreed
MagitekMayhem: thats an awesome freekout
MagitekMayhem: but I think the first two jumpings look
Thompson1189: first two?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: i dont
MagitekMayhem: the crouching one is good I think
MagitekMayhem: well somethin about the first one looked
weird I think
MagitekMayhem: watchin again
Thompson1189: i thought it was sweet.. but maybe cause i
knew it was comin
MagitekMayhem: oops
MagitekMayhem: I ment the second two
Thompson1189: yeah thats more liek it... wtf, how can you
mix them up
MagitekMayhem: maybe just change when he jumps to..
MagitekMayhem: either the standard anger
MagitekMayhem: or shocked
MagitekMayhem: or make him do spins in the hair
Thompson1189: which one should i change
MagitekMayhem: 2 and 3 look a bit weird to me
MagitekMayhem: 2 moreso
MagitekMayhem: thats 2 right?
Thompson1189: thats 3
MagitekMayhem: whats 2
Thompson1189: 1: yeah; 2: stickup; 3: salute; 4: crouch;
MagitekMayhem: change 2 to shock and 3 to anger I'd say
MagitekMayhem: or both to shock ism aybe better
MagitekMayhem: oooh
Thompson1189: thats way too much shock
MagitekMayhem: maybe the first frame of non
MagitekMayhem: o
MagitekMayhem: or mid-air laughing
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hey. maybe!
MagitekMayhem: yaeh
MagitekMayhem: try it
MagitekMayhem: gonna watch again
MagitekMayhem: I gotta go cuz my moms a bitch
MagitekMayhem: friggin screamin at me
Thompson1189: k
MagitekMayhem: sorry
MagitekMayhem: graw I"m pissede
MagitekMayhem: see ya later
Thompson1189: haha, been there before
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.