MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
Thompson1189: did i do that or did you
MagitekMayhem: it says you did
MagitekMayhem: but who knows
MagitekMayhem: like it?
Thompson1189: holy shit dude
Thompson1189: thats badass!!
MagitekMayhem: didn't take long at all
Thompson1189: thats goin on the website somewhere
Thompson1189: like "PRINT THIS HUGE AND
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: should I stick the URL on there?
Thompson1189: damn i was just gunna ssay that
Thompson1189: be sure to mention on your portfolio
thing that this poster took like 15 minutes cause youre
a high speed soldier and a fuckin nerd as hell
MagitekMayhem: all I need's metal
MagitekMayhem: where should the URL go
Thompson1189: bottom right
Thompson1189: ["+o+"]
Thompson1189: thats a piece of scipt
Thompson1189: weird huh
MagitekMayhem: yea
MagitekMayhem wants to send file KRposter.png.
Thompson1189 received
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: so Photoshop is done
MagitekMayhem: I wanna show something impressive
with flash and the other thing
Thompson1189: use my slayer.swf
MagitekMayhem: hand it over
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hmm. its gone because thebmp
MagitekMayhem: sheeit
Thompson1189: fuck. i'd have sent this to you like an
hour ago but i figure HER OOT
Thompson1189: can't*
MagitekMayhem: Understood
Thompson1189: its like, at first, taddle wasn't
cooperating cause he didn't wanna be a sissyass. but
now bolt is being a bitch after being used once.
MagitekMayhem: it's fried
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: yeap.
MagitekMayhem: My fav part of the poster is HEY
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: me too
Thompson1189: Hey FRANKS! Isn't it lunchtime?
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: grawhawhaaa
Thompson1189: damn this thinger majigga
MagitekMayhem: wtf, hm
Thompson1189: wanna see it without the bolts?
MagitekMayhem: sure
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem received
MagitekMayhem: thats it?
Thompson1189: ya
MagitekMayhem: Dude
MagitekMayhem: FUcking awesome
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: you rock, love the dialogue and the
Thompson1189: hah. i konw. but the fuckin bolts.
MagitekMayhem: Shouldnt he laugh when he goes
uwee hee hee though
Thompson1189: i was feelin lazy
MagitekMayhem: it just shows one frame of the dir
MagitekMayhem: ll
Thompson1189: hah
MagitekMayhem: it makes it lookl ike he's really
Thompson1189: well duh
Thompson1189: he's never been happier
Thompson1189: theres one line i aint too fond of
Thompson1189: its uhh
Thompson1189: hmm what was it
Thompson1189: Now I must play
Thompson1189: theres gotta be a less fruity way to
say that
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: Time for some Electricle mishaps
Thompson1189: wtf does that mean
MagitekMayhem: I duno
MagitekMayhem: "Time for some Magitek Mahem!"
Thompson1189: oh i see
MagitekMayhem: but that doesn't work
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: what if he said Time for SLAYER
MagitekMayhem: then you'd have to get a short clip
of I HATE YOU in there
Thompson1189: im gunna get a candy bar
Thompson1189: king size
Thompson1189: ...or two?!~
Thompson1189: nahh..
Thompson1189: dont wana look like a fatass
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: GOD SIZE
Thompson1189: ooh i just got her hopes up
Thompson1189: i'm a bastid
Thompson1189: that candy bar hit the spot
Thompson1189: now its time to jam
MagitekMayhem: rad
MagitekMayhem: I think me m0rd and dooz might go
see Therion in Dec
MagitekMayhem: wanna go?
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.
MagitekMayhem: Chu doin
Auto response from Thompson1189: i'm probly like,
staring at the screen but not really doing anything..
haha wtf
thats the way to be idle
Thompson1189: thres yer answer
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hmm.. i'm snacky again
MagitekMayhem: SNack man
Thompson1189: SNACK MAN haha
Thompson1189: awwhh i wish snack man were here
right now
MagitekMayhem: You live off snacks, huh?
Thompson1189: choodoin
MagitekMayhem: watchin a discovery channel special
thing about pompei
Thompson1189: oh sweet
MagitekMayhem: and downloadin JP
Thompson1189: i gotta tackle this bug. its mutant
MagitekMayhem: yeah once that's in I think I'll
laugh so much my stomach will hurt
Thompson1189: mumblemumblewherses my damn
MagitekMayhem: oh hey,what about that Therion
show, september, you wanna go?
Thompson1189: no
MagitekMayhem: me and m0rd decided a while back
if they ever come to the US we should go, and they
are in sept
MagitekMayhem: alright, beotch, lol
Thompson1189: i like better bands
MagitekMayhem: One of the placees it's held is
Thompson1189: !!!
Thompson1189: how much
MagitekMayhem: Prog Power Festival
MagitekMayhem: duno
MagitekMayhem: thats in Atlanta though
Thompson1189: does prog mean somethin else in a
foreign language or what
MagitekMayhem: nah
MagitekMayhem: unless it's a perogi festivle
Thompson1189: what other bands
MagitekMayhem: duno
Thompson1189: gay!
Thompson1189: 100 bucks
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: check out hte picture of that fat
guy shredding
Thompson1189: yeah i check it all out
MagitekMayhem: Symph X was at the first one
Thompson1189: hm
MagitekMayhem: and the second
Thompson1189: i heard they were around here last
semester but i was in the dark
MagitekMayhem: Edguy at the third
Thompson1189: so i was like FUCK
MagitekMayhem: Blund GUardian
MagitekMayhem: Gamma Ray
MagitekMayhem: this show is pretty awesome
Thompson1189: yeah it is
MagitekMayhem: some pottery hit a Sufficiently
large N on the Noggin and he died
Thompson1189: ?
MagitekMayhem: talkin bout the pompei thing
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: hahalol
Thompson1189: "a sufficently large n can be
determined from this fossil. looks like this nugga was
jacked in the skull. other remnants of victims were
found with similar injuries."
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha, royalpineapple posted a sweet
stfu animation
MagitekMayhem: I saw, lol
Thompson1189: yer mom's undefined!
Thompson1189: lol... that actually has meaning
Thompson1189: cause you know how chicks work out
to get definition in their muscles
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: SHE IS
Thompson1189: even more mysterious.. it says the
frickin thing is undefined, yet it still draws the bolt..
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: before AND after
Thompson1189: hey do you like how he kinda inches
his way toward the shard
MagitekMayhem: I love it
Thompson1189: i forgot why i di dthat
MagitekMayhem: I know when you think about it it's
kinda weird
MagitekMayhem: you think he'd run over there
Thompson1189: haha. maybe its a golem thing
MagitekMayhem: but maybe he's just so stuned
MagitekMayhem: anyway, don't toch it
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189 wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem wants to directly connect.
MagitekMayhem is now directly connected.
MagitekMayhem: wtf lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: wheres the one where he gets
MagitekMayhem: lol quit bein a lame ass
MagitekMayhem: LOL!
MagitekMayhem: done?
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: no
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: that'd make a sweet icon (guitar)
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: your IM is friggin laggin me you ani
gif bastard
Thompson1189: wuss
MagitekMayhem: you can keep goin
Thompson1189: nah
MagitekMayhem: that maddox one makes my
computer freak out
Thompson1189: aparently your computer things its a
big fuckin deal
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: whoa, i just hung my maiden shirt on
the wall.. and it stayed
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: whats it of?
Thompson1189: its just hangin there on a couple
MagitekMayhem: whats on the shirt
Thompson1189: its the killers album cover.. eddie with
a bloody hatchet
MagitekMayhem: AWESOME!
MagitekMayhem: thats the best eddie IMO
Thompson1189: yeah thats why i bought it
Thompson1189: should fall down sometime soon'
Thompson1189: this is so impossible, it cant be
undefined and yet still draw the bolt
MagitekMayhem: wanna ask flik wtf?
Thompson1189: nah, he wont know
Thompson1189: so... ok, WTF???
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: i even told it to abort before drawing
the bolt
Thompson1189: and bolt was like, NAH BEOTCH
MagitekMayhem: loll
Thompson1189: i swear, my code is seld-aware
Thompson1189: sefl
Thompson1189: CONSCIOUS
Thompson1189: NERDY
Thompson1189: how in god's name does the bolt get
drawn, if nothing is telling it to
Thompson1189: this is freakin me out.. i gotta quit kr
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: take the code out
Thompson1189: its... absolutely boggling
Thompson1189: fuckin paradox
Thompson1189: hey can we make kefka say WTF
instead of What the?!
Thompson1189: holy shit, i even took out the code that
executes the drawing of bolt...
MagitekMayhem: your fuckin around now
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: are you editing the right file?
Thompson1189: yah
Thompson1189: cause it makes changes
Thompson1189: (when i change other things)
Thompson1189: its so... freaking...... inconsistent!!
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: what made it stop working
Thompson1189: nothin, it works on one of them, but
not the others, but they are identical..
Thompson1189: wait!
Thompson1189: ooohh i think i get it
Thompson1189: the first one is done inside the battle,
which is a render script itself, so somehow i knows to
change that code and execute it.
Thompson1189: shit
Thompson1189: the other ones should still work
though.. dammit
Thompson1189: you melted?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: I think your onto the problem
Thompson1189: so yeah, what i thought is true.
Thompson1189: i swear, with all the shit i've
encountered, hunted, and tackled. i must be the
greatest scripter for sphere by now
MagitekMayhem: you were that years ago
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha!
Thompson1189: .. eddie is staring down at me... creepy
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: you got it?
Thompson1189: no. but i have the inconsistency ironed
Thompson1189: (iron!)
Thompson1189: woo!
Thompson1189: k i think i can fix it now
MagitekMayhem: sweet
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: haha, ironic
Thompson1189: (iron!)
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ok! moment of truth
Thompson1189: its gunna woor---orrk
Thompson1189: nyah nah nah yneahnyaha!!
Thompson1189: working
Thompson1189: ...working
MagitekMayhem: working!?
Thompson1189: ..its working..!!
MagitekMayhem: Fuggin sweet
Thompson1189: annnddd..
MagitekMayhem: I wanna see?
Thompson1189: YESS!
MagitekMayhem: damn that's awesome
MagitekMayhem: you getting ridda a crazy ass bug
like that in a day
Thompson1189: ok. its all good now
MagitekMayhem: awesome
MagitekMayhem: you rock
Thompson1189: here snake!
Thompson1189 wants to send file
MagitekMayhem: 8-)
MagitekMayhem received
Thompson1189: ok, i need to see i have to do
homework for tomorrow
Thompson1189: which means, math
Thompson1189: which i know i do
Thompson1189: because i wrote down all the exercises
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: crazy math nerd
Thompson1189: watchin it?
MagitekMayhem: gettin prepared
Thompson1189: i would like a snack, however
Thompson1189: i will surely be out before the end of
the week
MagitekMayhem: oh sweet JP finished
Thompson1189: need to have the mom send the
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: those ladies are gettin TOASTED
Thompson1189: and maybe i can convince her to send
you a box of snacks too
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: watchin it?
MagitekMayhem: yea
MagitekMayhem: BEhold the power
Thompson1189: :-*
Thompson1189: haha, i was just about to open my
book, then i threw it down as i realized i needed to get
Thompson1189: gotta love distractions sometimes
MagitekMayhem: thanks for reminding me about
MagitekMayhem: I want some
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: bolting is nice
MagitekMayhem: but you need to use the damn toast
dir for the guard
MagitekMayhem: and
MagitekMayhem: .. what was I gonna say
MagitekMayhem: oh yeah did you notice the extra
MagitekMayhem: after the guard it goes back to the
potty guy
Thompson1189: did I notice?
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: ..NO
MagitekMayhem: because I'm not sure if it's
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: of course it is
Thompson1189: actually i planned on bolting the guard
twice, not that dude
Thompson1189: for extra revenge
Thompson1189: but i mesed up
MagitekMayhem: ooh
Thompson1189: haha, but that gives me a good idea
Thompson1189: hmm.. math.. or kr
MagitekMayhem: what
Thompson1189: hmm
Thompson1189: math.....
Thompson1189: or
MagitekMayhem: KR
Thompson1189: k
Thompson1189: ....
Thompson1189: r
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: listen
Thompson1189: hm!?
MagitekMayhem: do you know what to do after those
two are fried?
Thompson1189: yeah i have a plan
MagitekMayhem: well let me say this
MagitekMayhem: all those women are going down
Thompson1189: okey
MagitekMayhem: bolt an old one first
MagitekMayhem: then they all start to run
MagitekMayhem: other old one walks slow, take her
Thompson1189: what? they have no where to run to
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: down and over the bridge to the
MagitekMayhem: so make K go up that way
MagitekMayhem: and get the two girls two
MagitekMayhem: One miss might be a nice touch
Thompson1189: sweet, i will handle that nicely
Thompson1189: but sheeit, the scene is long enough
MagitekMayhem: nothin bad about that
MagitekMayhem: but we do have some gameplay
Thompson1189: i mean for me to go through it a billion
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: i'll just create a shortcut
MagitekMayhem: just speed up more of it
Thompson1189: what gameplay issues
MagitekMayhem: theres not alot of it
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: yeah but after this it opens up
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: and on to tzen
Thompson1189: i had a question earlier when you
weren't here
Thompson1189: whats the factory do again?
MagitekMayhem: what
MagitekMayhem: make shards into magicite
Thompson1189: hm.. and why
MagitekMayhem: it's the magic system
MagitekMayhem: you find shards in battles and it
MagitekMayhem: you combine the shards to create
your own magicites
MagitekMayhem: only Kefka can use shards kinda like
Thompson1189: so whats the purpose of the factory, in
relation to the town and the world/society of kr
MagitekMayhem: it's there to make money
Thompson1189: good
MagitekMayhem: when you assemble the shards they
charge you to put them together
Thompson1189: hmm
MagitekMayhem: the better spell the shard is the
more expensive it is
Thompson1189: i have this feeling that we're on the
break of changing something big
MagitekMayhem: what do you mean
Thompson1189: like.. i'm not so sure about this
factory system.. i'm probly gunna get some wacky
idea to revise it, lol
MagitekMayhem: yeah it's not to awesome
Thompson1189: what if they extracted the magicite
and used it for other purposes
MagitekMayhem: good
MagitekMayhem: like magitech?
Thompson1189: and i know it sucks cause you have all
that choreography in there to create the magicites
MagitekMayhem: I got it
MagitekMayhem: magicite is a power source
Thompson1189: yes!
Thompson1189: its the power plant
Thompson1189: and the magicite capsules are
byproducts of the extraction
MagitekMayhem: fuggin awesome
Thompson1189: lol
Thompson1189: so that renders the capsules useless..
i guess
Thompson1189: what would they use them for
MagitekMayhem: I was thinkin they were like this
MagitekMayhem: the magicite is made right
MagitekMayhem: and it's put inside of a TV, or a
light, or a ship to power it
Thompson1189: nah i dont like that
MagitekMayhem: yeah yours is better
MagitekMayhem: but the magicite should be able to
be used for magic by K's party
Thompson1189: its a too widespread system for the
sacred objects
Thompson1189: yankow
MagitekMayhem: yea
Thompson1189: lets just go with the idea of extracting
energy from the shards.. but then the orginal magicite
capsules, how do they come into play
MagitekMayhem: they all exploded
MagitekMayhem: thats why we have shards
Thompson1189: hrrmm
MagitekMayhem: click it's funny
Thompson1189: awesome
Thompson1189: i want a pen that says penisland on it
MagitekMayhem: lol
MadJackyl16: I mean...come on...what a
dumbass...who names their domain that?
Thompson1189: i have a feeling that the whole
business is a joke
MadJackyl16: aunt gave me a pen with a
case like that once...
Thompson1189: she got it from you-know-where!
MadJackyl16: Wonder what she was originally
looking for.
Thompson1189: haha
MadJackyl16: She probably went to
Thompson1189: sooo cheesy
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: mmm.. dont feel like doing anything
MagitekMayhem: lets get this magicite junk resolved
MagitekMayhem: I love the idea of it being Albrooks
power source
MagitekMayhem: but what about the magic system
Thompson1189: shards
MagitekMayhem: alright
MagitekMayhem: how do we use 'em
Thompson1189: same way
Thompson1189: as before
MagitekMayhem: does using a shard increase the
percentage of a spell that your trying to learn?
MagitekMayhem: ahh..
MagitekMayhem: so you can equip them
Thompson1189: i guess
Thompson1189: i dont remember how it works exactly
MagitekMayhem: I like it
MagitekMayhem: should be able to equip shards into
each of your equipment
Thompson1189: ?
MagitekMayhem: helmet, weapon whatever
MagitekMayhem: and it gives it a property
Thompson1189: nah thats a copy off materia
MagitekMayhem: ah
MagitekMayhem: I love it though
MagitekMayhem: it's alot diff, only one spell
MagitekMayhem: it changes the elemental properties
of the weapon
MagitekMayhem: and you learn it permanently
Thompson1189: people are still gunna see it as a
blatant ff7 ripoff though
Thompson1189: pairing magic with equip
MagitekMayhem: it's more like FF8
Thompson1189: lets make it more like kr
MagitekMayhem: well whats your idea
MagitekMayhem: I think equiping them in their own
slots is not as cool
Thompson1189: i dont remember
Thompson1189: dude, forget about slots
Thompson1189: no slots allowed
MagitekMayhem: I dont mean like materia
Thompson1189: you dirty slot
MagitekMayhem: I mean like.. how you equip
MagitekMayhem: ya nerd
Thompson1189: then dont say slot
Thompson1189: or i'll beat the tar out of joo
MagitekMayhem: lol
MagitekMayhem: ok..
Thompson1189: ...
Thompson1189: you wanna quit? is that it?
MagitekMayhem: nyah
Thompson1189: fine!
MagitekMayhem: just thinkin' how this'll be done
Thompson1189: cant believe the shirt is still hangin
MagitekMayhem: Eddie is invincable
MagitekMayhem: what about this
MagitekMayhem: you know "Relics"?
MagitekMayhem: or is that not even in our menu?
MagitekMayhem: ok it is
MagitekMayhem: so when you go to relic, FF6 had
two spots to equip Relics
MagitekMayhem: we'll add two for shards right
under it
MagitekMayhem: if you have a shard equiped you can
learn whatever spell that shard is
Thompson1189: i think it would be more appropriate to
put them in the skills menu
MagitekMayhem: ok
MagitekMayhem: but I want them to do something
cool besides just teach spells
Thompson1189: i thought we had a cool system
planned out
Thompson1189: but i dont remember
Thompson1189: that was your job - to remember
MagitekMayhem: yeah but since then it's been
changed 50 times
MagitekMayhem: I think for each spell there were
different quality shards
Thompson1189: oh yea
Thompson1189: or three sizes
MagitekMayhem: but that just effected learning
MagitekMayhem: ah, I got it... Level up gains.
MagitekMayhem: maybe?
MagitekMayhem: like +1 Mag. Attack
Thompson1189: ahh.. i cant think about this right now
Thompson1189: my snack meter is too low
MagitekMayhem: alright, but we decided on shards,
not magicite
MagitekMayhem: and the power plant thing is official
Thompson1189: the plant it is now
Thompson1189: so thats how it makes money, not just
by assembling useless magic capsules
Thompson1189: it provides a public good
MagitekMayhem: it's sweet.
MagitekMayhem: it explains why Albrook is the only
town with lights/ Tvs / Friges
Thompson1189: so far, anyway
MagitekMayhem: run on magic
MagitekMayhem: yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: no, it runs on electricity
MagitekMayhem: it's still magic durnit
Thompson1189: i'm gettin blaaahhh
Thompson1189: brain is slowin down
MagitekMayhem: I'm outta here any minute
Thompson1189: yer mom still piseed?
MagitekMayhem: computer has to be off by 2 now
MagitekMayhem: friggin' beotch
MagitekMayhem: it's understandable
Thompson1189: ouch, thats when we do our best work
MagitekMayhem: but the TV is hardly lest
MagitekMayhem: yeah I know
Thompson1189: did you make an exception on the
MagitekMayhem: I think I can do that
MagitekMayhem: not tonight though
Thompson1189: i know. i think i'm done anyway
MagitekMayhem: once I get a job she'll cool her
Thompson1189: but once you get a jorb, then you wont
be able to stay up late anyway
MagitekMayhem: Yeah I will
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: ...robot nerd
MagitekMayhem: use to do it when I was goin to
MagitekMayhem: only on weekends though
Thompson1189: ok well astalavista samby
MagitekMayhem: yeah, I'll see ya tommorow
MagitekMayhem: lately I've been getting more
excited about KR daily
Thompson1189: sure thing, buck
MagitekMayhem: because we kick more ass daily
MagitekMayhem: later
Thompson1189: haha
Thompson1189: WAIT
MagitekMayhem: sure
Thompson1189: you still have 15
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: oh yeah
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lets chat about how much we rule
MagitekMayhem: I posted that poster
Thompson1189: cool
Thompson1189: so you were impressed by my work
today eh? i dont think it was that great
MagitekMayhem: more so yesterday
MagitekMayhem: and the day before
Thompson1189: what? yesterday sucked
MagitekMayhem: yesterday was good
Thompson1189: only until like 6 am
Thompson1189: before that i was lazy and ghey as hell
MagitekMayhem: still
MagitekMayhem: K's split is gonna rock so much
when it's done
Thompson1189: yeap
MagitekMayhem: what are we gonna do about
releasing, what till battle junk is done, or just event
Thompson1189: well.. to be safe we can just release
the cheap version
Thompson1189: then make it all sturdy and awesome
MagitekMayhem: sweet
Thompson1189: no magic, etc
MagitekMayhem: then we'd be ready for chapter2
MagitekMayhem: and that'd be like a new error
MagitekMayhem: erra
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: lol
MagitekMayhem: lol some more
Thompson1189: better knock on wood you bastard
MagitekMayhem: ok I did
MagitekMayhem: once we get in chap2, we're like
Thompson1189: and open to donations
Thompson1189: and sponsors
MagitekMayhem: Yup
Thompson1189: good thing it's only 2002. we have
plenty of time to finish chap1
MagitekMayhem: we need a new music guy
MagitekMayhem: ? lol
Thompson1189: (comment on how long its taking)
Thompson1189: we said we'd finish chap1 in like
spring 03
MagitekMayhem: well whoops
MagitekMayhem: lol
Thompson1189: kinda underestimated
MagitekMayhem: if we worked like how we worked
these last few days we coulda done it
Thompson1189: keep in mind it was a weekend
Thompson1189: and i had no projects to work on
MagitekMayhem: yeah, friday, saturday, sunday
Thompson1189: and no chicks to get done
MagitekMayhem: I'd be happy if we could do this
every weekend, lol
Thompson1189: yeah we should be able to
Thompson1189: except the occasional partyin i might
MagitekMayhem: yeah
Thompson1189: and yeah, we rule
MagitekMayhem: there needs to be a new word for
how much we rule
Thompson1189: and that word can be our team name
MagitekMayhem: lol, sweet
Thompson1189: i gotta set my alarm
MagitekMayhem: ok
Thompson1189: ha
MagitekMayhem: whacha playin?
Thompson1189: dunno
Thompson1189: i guess you can high tail outta here
Thompson1189: excellent work today, nerds
MagitekMayhem: alright, see ya tommorow, I'll try
and KR, get those shortcuts done, lol
MagitekMayhem: see ya
Thompson1189: yeah we'll rock again tomorra
MagitekMayhem: We're awesome
MagitekMayhem direct connection is closed.